Monday 7 December 2009

How I Fucked My Sister Page 02

Sorry this has taken so long.

I like it, I think the fact the backgrounds done in a different mediam is pretty kewl.

Thursday 26 November 2009

How I Fucked My Sister Page 01

I have to admit I realy like this, it took me quite a while to do, coz I had to use quite a few layers, but I got through it in the end.

So this is the first page naration is by Jennifers little brother Leo. I wasnt sure about the orange text boxes at first, but in the end I lke them, their not too bright but not too plain, a good mix.

I think both panels are really really sexy, I really dont know which is my favourite, the boobs or the ass eh, both look good, I like teh shine, not too much, not too little. Like how both guys are smiling n the womens scowling too ^_^

Tuesday 24 November 2009

How I Fucked My Sister Cover

Ok, so yeah, decided I'd like to do a H comic, I've done two before, but they were AATM H comics, and as you know I dont do any AATM H anymore, so yeah.

The girls named Jennifer, and shes pretty slutty, hence the H lol.

This is the cover, I really like this picture, I'm experienting with Layers on PS, and so I quite like this, its simple, but effective, and it looks much better with the title on the image. I tried to not over do it on the shine, and I dont think I did, also I really like the smudging to the hair.

Friday 20 November 2009

The Two Alita's

A comission I did for akaderyl.
It was supposed to be completed for Halloween, but my lifes been pretty hectic and its taken me a while to get my comissions done, but now I finally have.

I must admit I really like this picture, the Battle Angel Alita is one of my five favourite manga characters, and I named my Alita after her, the manga is easily the most inspiring thing I've ever read ( James Cameron pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease dont fuck it up like the anime did, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!!!!!!!! )

I've never tried to draw Battle Angel Alita before, I always felt she was drawn too well and that I'd fuck it up, so when I was comissioned to draw her I panicked a bit, worrying I'd let akaderyl down, but I REALLY like how this has turned out, I love Alita's new outfit and drawing it on my Alita was very difficult, but I think I pulled it off.

So I hope akaderyl is happy with this, I tried my best to do Battle Angel Alita justice.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

My First H Animation

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Sunday 15 November 2009

Olivier Armstrong: Body Heat

Another FMA hentai, Olivier Mira Armstrong is another one of my favourite characters, I mean Hawkeye is awsome, she's young and pretty, blonde ( heh ) yet she isn't a dumb typical squealing anime girl, nor are her tits constantly popping out or people walking in on her naked, so I really, really like her, I think she's an inspiring character for girls, and I didnt think anyone could be better then her...................then came Olivier Armstrong lol.

Now holy shit, is she freaking EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!! Like omfg lol.

See I dont draw hentai of characters I just find sexy, I draw hentai of characters I actually really like, characters that stand out to me, Raven, Hawkeye etc.

So yeah, Olivier is just too kewl, when I saw her animated for teh first time in the new FMA opening I practically came lol.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, the actual picture, I'm pretty happy with it, this is actually my second attempt, the first one was from more of a frontal view, but I just really didnt like it, it just looked shit,, so I changed angle, added another guy and I think its really worked out.

As you can see I've tried a new style of dtrawing cum, really inspired by Reiq's work. It could be better but I dont think its bad for my first try. My oonly realy complaint is that I made the boobs way too shiney, well, most of the picture is too shiney, but I'm getting there ^_^

Thursday 12 November 2009

Ruby and Cyan: First Date

Ok, firstly I just gotta point out how super proud I am of this drawing, I've wanted to do a cute Ruby and Cyan picture for aaaaaaaaaaages, I was in school, just doodling in my sketch book waiting for a lecture. I drew a quick sketch of Ruby sucking on a straw, nothing sexual, and then I just thought it'd be a kewl picture, so I did a proper version.

Like I said, seriously love this, one thing I really like is the background, I wasnt too sure what I wanted to do for the background, so I just drew sorta beach setting but with no pen, I liked it but it looked really flat, kinda like a poster or advertisment board or something, so yeah, I guess the backgrounds some kind of board.

If you dont know about the history, Ruby kinda stops believeing in love, and the only guys in her life are friends or guys she picks up for sex then gives the cold shoulder to the morning after. However Cyan is an Evolved Demon like herself, they have a connection, and for the first time in a long time she actually starts to fancy him, I mean when they first meet they get drunk and fuck, but then after they actually start to date.

Anyway, so this is like the first time seeing each other after their one night stand. I like that Ruby's blushing and that Cyan looks kinda sheepish, its all very cute, plus I think the photoshopped eyes look really really sexy.

Thursday 29 October 2009

Tira The Merciless

Tira the merciless, my new OC.

She's the daughter of Ferus the bloody, a legendary space pirate who struck fear into his enemies and envy into his allies. That was quite a few years ago, and Ferus is now dead, and his 16 year old daughter, Tira, is now the captain of his ship.

Even though Tira isnt that old, she's known violence her whole life, and is well knowledged in combat, especially hand to hand, though she's an excellent shot too.

Most people are scared of her too, although she's only been making a name for herself for about a year now, and she sails through space with her fathers men, now her loyal followers.

She's not going to be a super main OC, might just get a mention here and there, so I might do some H work of her, we'll see how it goes .

Monday 19 October 2009

Raven Hotdogged and Deepthroated Redone

I've finally gotten some new Raven stuff up, well, ok its not new, its a remake, so it is new, but it isnt. But its good to get more Raven done, she was the character that got me noticed, after a few drawings of her alot of people had taken notice of me, and I'm not saying they wouldnt of in the end, but my Raven works definatly helped, so I feel kinda bad if I havent drawn her in a while lol.

I used alot of white here made everything shiney, I was worried I was over doing it, but I think it actually looks really really good, I especially like the cock between her butt cheeks, I tried to do the shine a little different and I think its really worked.

This picture is pretty different to the origonal, the mens skin colours for one, the guy in her mouth, his right arm looked utterly fucked in the origonal, it looks much better now. Also Raven is wearing a maid outfit, I know thats kinda random, but It just looked kinda plain with her totally naked.

The story here is as usual Ravens a slut and craving cock, so she finds two guys, two pretty fat guys, and takes them back to the tower. There she puts on a maid outfit and her body is theirs for the night, I might do a follow up picture, show what else they get up too.

I made the guys fat because I think it adds to the sluttiness of the picture, like Ravens such a cock whore that she doesnt care about their body's, she just wants the cocks and cum lol.

Tbh I'd really like to do this as an rp, so if any of you are awsome at rp and up for a Teen Titans mmf rp, let me know, ^_^.

Monday 12 October 2009

AATM Ruby's Sory Page 39

Sorry aout the delay people, with the comic I mean, I've been dealing with comissions n photoshop, not to mention I was pretty ill all week, so yeah :S.

So yeah page 39, I really lke it, I tried not to go too ott with the PS, its very time consuming because I still dont really know what I'm ding with it ( Know where I can find some decen tutorials? ) So yeah, I only used it to like touch up the eyes, make them, the lips and the sword shine, I really like Duo's sword, it looks so painful lol.

I think Ruby's face looks awsome in the bottom, I wanted her to look terrified and I think I pulled it off quite well ^_^

Sunday 4 October 2009

Smexy Kamaru Four Photoshopped

Guess who got photoshop! Thats right, me baby, me ^_^.

I cant even begin to explain how hard this was to do, I've never had any practice with photoshop before, so I didnt really know how it worked, I still dont really, I only really know the basics, so this was really hard to do, I had to go over all the colours but black first, then go over the black, and I dont have a tablet or anything, so going over every square inch took forever!! I 've worked on it none stop! Well.... ok, I went out clubbing and had sex the morning after, but other then that I seriously worked all weekend.

I think its paid off though, and once I really get the hang of it I think my work will look great ^_^.

So please let me know what you think ^_^

Also its on my Deviant art, you can see it better there

Friday 25 September 2009

Smexy Kamaru Four

Yay more Kamaru ^_^

I havent drawn him in a while, so getting a new one done makes me very happy lol.

I drew this about a month ago, which is why the skin is the old colour.

I really like this drawing, I think he pose is really sexy and maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I want that outfit, seriously, I have a big ass, the ood kind, I'm not afraid to admit I got booty and damn a nice big ass in tiny white shorts is hot, so yeah, I want the outfit, wish I could pll it outta the picture lol.

Oh yeah I've changed his hair, I decided plain parting down the middle is a little plain and boring for a cross dressing gay fem boy I wanted to give him something more feminine, I really liek it, it took me ages to get a style I liked

I like the mouth, its small pouty and lustful, very sexy, my only problem is the eyes, they just seem a little too small to me, but otherwise I liek it ^_^.

Tuesday 22 September 2009

AATM Ruby's Story Page 38

Like I said in the last page, I've grown sick of the sunburnt pink I use, and wanted to improve, and I think I've seriously done that, if you disagree let me know, but I'm very happy with it.

I also like the additonal shines to the lips and eyes and the shadow in the eyes too, I thnk its very succsessful.

I'm starting to ingle reading his, the evolution is so fucking close!

I really liek jet, I like how she's tied to a pole and could die any second but she's still just smiling and swearing and being liek "FUCK YOU!" ^_^. Really like that botom panel, I liek teh second alot too actually lol .

AATM Ruby's Story Page 37

Page 37, Duo reveals what their dong there, I really like their whole scheme coz its just so basic and cruel, like there's no redeeming quality to it, its just fucked up plain and simple.

I dont really like this page, I was getting stressed with the clour now I use a different one for skin, so its very hurried

Monday 21 September 2009

AATM Ruby's Story Page 36

Omg, this has been drawn for so so long lol, so glad to finally get it up.

I love how Ruby shouts "YOU!" and then Duo introduces himself, fuck I love his name ^_^

I like that he calls Jet Red too

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Alita Rough Sketch

I dont usually upload sketch's, not sure why alot of people do but for some reason I just dont, but I really like this one, I'm not sure why, I just do.

You cant tell since its not in colour, but Alita is actually wearing Edward Elric's oufit from FMA, this was a sketch for my 13,000 hits picture that never got drawn, which was gonna be ll my main AATM characters cosplaying, but yeah never did it, but I like the sketch ^_^

Friday 11 September 2009


I'm not too sure how I feel about this one, everything but the mouth is fine, her body, her hair, her eyes, they all look fine, but I dunno, the mouth went totally wrong.

None the less a nice picture, as the title says its one of Xanthi's party dress's, but like fancy party.


Tuesday 8 September 2009

AATM: Kane and Duo

I've been waiting to show this off for fucking ever, mainly because it took me forever to get it right.

I've wanted to do a Kane and Duo picture for ages, but I dunno, it just wasnt working plain and simple, so when I finally cracked it I was pleased ^_^.

I really like drawing beaches and the ocean and stuff, but its always liek bright and yellow and blue, and since these guys are the main villians of Ruby's Story, I figured a kinda pre-apocoliptic ocean would work better.

I really like how you cant really see them, even though their both right there, and I like how out of place the black on Kane looks, just makes him more menacing ^_^

Monday 7 September 2009

Riza Hawkeye: In the clock tower

All my school works done, and my scanners working... FUCKING-WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO........HOOOOOOO

So yeah, finally got all my stuff done, I decided whilst doing it that I needed to disiplne ( or how ever you spell it ) myself, and so I wouldn't allow myself to upload any work untill I had my school stuff done. and now it is, I can finally start uploading stuff again ^_^.

So yeah, here's Riza Hawkeye and Gluttony from Full Metal Alchemist. I liked teh oriognal series but I loved the manga, and now its animated, well, yeah fucking awsome, already my fave anime. So yeah, I really like Riza Hawkeye, she's just So un-typical and none cliche, I think its awsome, something about that makes her really sexy, not too mention the fact that shes plain hot ^_^.

So yeah if you read FMA or watch FMA: Brotherhood you'll remember a scene where Barry's origonal body attacks them, and Hawkeye is sniping from up in a clock tower type of thing, then Gluttony comes in, fucks her up a little before Mustang blows him out of the building. No idea why, but when they meet the whole "Girls and monsters" hentai thing came into my mind, see I'm really into that, I like fantasy hentai basically, stuipily huge cocks and tummy buldge and stuff, it really appeals to me. So when they meet this kinda image popped up, and it made me go n look at Hawkeye hentai, but its all shit, I mean its well drawn, but its all SOOOOOOO boring. The picture I've drawn is the kinda thing I wanted to see, but I couldnt find it, so I thought fuck it, I'll draw it.

I dont really know the story, I cant see why Riza would stop protecting her friends to fuck the enemy, but meh, its just a picture.

I'm pretty proud of it, I reallllllly like the boobs, I feel like I fuck boobs up alot, so I'm really proud of how sexy they look. I'm proud of their faces too, they worked out really well, especially Gluttony, let me tell you, for such a plain face it's suprisisngly hard to actualy draw O.o. I ike that she's grinning too, most of you know how much I hate rape, and considering he's holding her so tightly and her clothes so ripped, it looks very rape like, so I needed to make sure it looked liek she was enjoying whats about to come.

Good to be back ^_^

Friday 7 August 2009

AATM Ruby's Story Page 33

Ok page 33, awsome ^_^

Not much to say, love the second third n final panel, the rest looks sorta rushed, but considering whats about to happen who can blame me XD

And again yeah I know, posted late.

AATM Ruby's Story Page 31

Ahh yesh, another page done, The evolution is getting close lol x

And yes this page was supposed to be posted ages ago, I forgot, shut up lol x

Friday 31 July 2009

AATM Ruby's Story Page 35

Woo, I'm so happy to finally have a comic shot of Duo without his face being all shaded out ^_^

I really like this page, it took me a long, long time to draw this, becaue Duo is supposed to always have a kinda sinister expression on his face, so getting it too look right was suprisingly difficult. I like his line too, sounds awsome.

Ok well I'll leave you on this cliffhanger as it could be quite a while till I can get anything new up, but I will be back ^_^

AATM Ruby's Story Page 34

Unfortunatly this doesnt mean I'm back, and my gay, gay, GAY scanner struggle is still happening, however I had two comic pages edited at my old house so I figured I'd retrieve and upload them.

I really like the middle panel, its very sweet and I think its pretty well drawn.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Evil Rocket Banana Inc

Hey guys, first things first sorry for my absence, some stuffs happened at home nothing bad but its left my internet temporarily down, so uploading work is a pain in the ass, and not the good kind XD.

Ok so as I've mentioned my friends have a youtube page which they frequently update with new comedy skits, may not be your sense of humour, but it is mine and I think their fucking awsome. So I did this picture for them, the one at the top is Jason, the one stood up is Scott and the final one is Liam.

You should check out their stuff, your likey to not regret it ^^

Thursday 18 June 2009

Avril: Step Up Too The Batter

Lol ok so FINALLY, I did it, a new hentai involving one of my OC'S ^_^

I'm pretty happy with this, it took me ages to do but I think the wait was worth it, I really like the shines and stuff and I think I did a pretty good job on teh gaping pussy lol. Only think I think could look better are the tits, not too happy with those, otherwise, I think go me ^_^

Ok so here Avril is doing her anti-succubus duty, saving three guys souls at once, as you can see one guy has came and so as he's pulling out the third is about to plough into her, and teh guy in her ass is still happy banging away.

I decided not to add any thrust or jiggle lines in this picture, not too sure why, I just decided it looked good as a still.

As you can see I've channged Avril's hair, a friend said her old hair was too much like Alita's and Duo's and I see what he ment.

Anyway, enjoy ^_^


Monday 1 June 2009

Evil Rocket Banana Inc

Ok, so this is my first ever none picture post, I know, I know, shock horror o.O

Ok, so some good friends of mine have started a youtube page and frequently upload new videos's, soooooooooooooooooo if you wouldnt mind please give em a look and if you liek what you see subcripbe and comment and stuff, thanks


Friday 29 May 2009

AATM Ruby's Story pg 32

Woo page 32!

Its a pretty decent page, I really like the bottom panel, and wtf, Jets a virgin o.O?


Thursday 28 May 2009

AATM Alita and Intolerance

Just a little random thing I drew whilst waiting for a class meeting, its an ittle for a tiny comic I've been pondring about for quite a while now and I really wanted to upload something so I drew this really quickly, which is why it doesnt look great, oh well I like it none the less ^_^

Monday 11 May 2009

Finished Avril

Wewt, coloured. I quite like this, colours are simple but I think their pretty effective. Red and black are my two fave colours, and I know I know I use them for Ruby, but one more cant hurt, I hope.

I also really like the colours too the wings and horns and tail, just look kewl.

This may not be her final design, may change the hair as a good friend pointed out Alita and Duo have teh same hair as me, so I shouldnt really use it for Avril as well, so I think I'll keep the length but make teh hair more messy and kinda spikey ^_^

Thursday 7 May 2009

Rough Avril

This is a bit of a random character, Avril is a succubuss, but a nice one, I think lol. She offers to make people dreams come true for their soul, which she then stores in safe keeping so they get granted a good place in the afterlife, although she cant exactly tell them that.

I think shes gonna be living somewhere in the AATM universe, but whether or not your ever gonna see much of her in teh actual stories is yet to be decided.

Anyway, I really cant decide if I'm going to colour this or not, the butt looks hot but a lil odd to me, but maybe thats just me nit-picking, so lemme know what you think pleasex

Friday 1 May 2009

AATM Ruby's Story Page 30

Not gonna say much, love the top panel, think the sword looks awsome


Tuesday 28 April 2009

AATM Ruby's Story Page 29

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh finally lol

The reason this page has tooken ages is because I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and I wanted the angles to really really work you know?

So one I finshed the Pen I began colouring it, and typicallly I fgured out a much nicer layout and much better angles and stuff, so I scrapped it and started a new >.<

Its weird, I dont like how this looks on paper. All my art is hand drawn, and I'm pretty damn proud of that, so I usually prefer how teh actual piece itself looks, rather then when its scanned on the pc screen, but i used a different type of paper then usual, and it doesnt look as good, but it looks ok now its on screen so meh lol.

I'm happy with this page, real happy, love the third panel, I think it works so so well, I love how fucked up Duo looks, and I think I did a good job with the shading and stooooof ^_^


Monday 20 April 2009

Raven Two Redone

See, told you I'd do it ^_^

As you know this isnt the first time I've drawn Raven in this posem hence the "Redone" part ^_^, yeah this is a remake of the second Raven I did and I really really liked it, it was my favourite one until I did Raven Six I was quite upset when the origonal was ridiculed on the net on a site or two, saying the ass was awsome but the face was fucked, but i learned that as an artist you have to face critisism, be it good or bad, so I got over it, but recently I was browsing through my art and as much as I hate to admit it I could see what they ment, and I though " Man, I could draw that SO much better now" and so, wu-lah!!

Ok so comparisons, well obviously the face, I was worried the head was gonna seem too big, so I shrunk it using the pc, but that looked weird so I left it the size it is lol. But yeah the face looks much better, I love how in the last one it was just like a "Meh" face, whereas here she's looking down at her booty like " Yeah its big, yeah its grey, but you all know you wanna hit this!" Like she looks SO proud of it ^_^.

Speaking of the booty Its much better this time, shinier, better coloured, although theres some. theres much less pencil crayon scratch marks, I've blended the grey much neater I think, and I also think the ass has much more bounce and roundness to it here, in the former it was hot but very flat, here it looks more like it would actually jiggle if you squeezed it XD. This is probally because although there's more white shiney bits there much smaller, which is much more realistic. The coat looks nice too, and I think removing the nipple on the bewb works better as well.

So yeah, enjoy lol x

Tuesday 14 April 2009

AATM Ruby's Story Page 28

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, finally a new page! I think this page looks great, which is a good thing as its easily been the most stressful so far, this is actually the fourth attempt at the page XD.

So yeah I think its come out really well, the contrasts in all the colours are pretty awsome. I reallly like the third and fouth panel though, showing what both Glynn and Duo can see, I think it looks really interesting, and the shading in the third panel is great, I dont care how cain that is ^_^

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Am I Human?


I really like this, which is suprising coz I did it in about an hour and a half, and usually drawings that I finish that quickly dont sit well with me, but I do really like this one.

As you know Alita is a cyborg, and apart from her heart and brain her body is fully machanical. aaaaand one of her favourite hobbies is skateboarding.

So here, shes fallen off her board and messed her arm up, pretty fucking badly, but see Alita cant really feel pain, not pyshical anyway, so the wound isnt why shes crying, its because seeing all the machanics and wires in her body has made her realise that she isnt what she used to be, and reminded her that everyone and thing from her human life, apart from Sarah Rose, has gone.I decided not too put in a background, as it would of taken the attention away from Alita, which would be silly.


Ren for Onima

My part of an art trade with the artist Onima, but before I go into what I do and dont like, I just wanna apologise for the uber uber huge delay, I didnt forget about you, but still sorry.

Ok so My only problem with this is that you cant see the shines on her ass because I did the skin so light, but oh well, still looks very delicious I think lol. I like the pose, and I think its well drawn, so hope ya'all like x

Thursday 2 April 2009

Smexy Xanthi

Wewt Smexy Xanthi! And very smexy looking I must say ^_^.

I 've done alot of smexy titles pictures, but this, the Alita, the Ruby and the soon to be finished Kamaru are liek a different se of smexy, and so far I think this is the best ^_^

How adorable is teh underwear XD, dunno why but I just think its so cute, I love teh pose and her cute yet seductive face ^_^

Mmmmmm, yummy Siren lol


Wednesday 1 April 2009

Raven And Aqualad Redone

Ok first of all, no one get teh wrong idea, this doesnt mean AI'm restarting hentai again lol, this might just be a one off.
See I've been struggling recently on whether to carry on hentai, I have alot of pro's and alot of con's on the subject. i was going over my old work and saw the origonal Raven and Aqualad which I'm still very fond of, so I decided to try and help me make my mind up.
So what did I discover? Lol, nothing, I didnt feel uncomfortable drawing this, I didnt feel like I was doing anything to fuck up my career, yet, it didnt turn me on, at all, ok well it did when I was doing the text, but thats it, so yeah, I have no idea how to feel, back to square one, :S
I gotta admit I was tempted to not post this, alot of people tend to ignore all my wonderful origonal characters and storys and scenes once they realise theirs ass and titties on the site, and I HATE that, so I almost didnt post this, but its well drawn and I did a great job so I might as well I guees.
So yeah this is a remake, I think I've improved it quite a bit lol, I think the ass and cock look amazing in the first panel, I might redo some more of my old drawings.
She wasnt really giving him an assjob in the oriogonal, but I think their hot ass hell and decided to change it to a hot dogging picture, love the way teh ass is like buldging in his fingers XD.

Tuesday 31 March 2009

AATM Ruby's Story Page 27

I really like teh first panel, never felt too confident with quick moving limbs so I think the hands turned out good, I liek teh whole page though, each panel looks pretty sweet me thinks.

AATM Ruby's Story Page 26

Woo, sorry this page has tooken so long, I've been busy with................stuff..............lately lol.

I love teh eye in teh middle panel ^_^

Thursday 26 March 2009

Smexy Ruby

You know I cant believe I've done so many "Smexy" pictures, and 25 pages of Rubys Story yet theres no Smexy Ruby, WTF?! Well now there is ^_^

I quite like this, not more or less then Alita's. each ooze equal amonts of hawtness lol. I like all the shines and detail on this, I mean I try to put as much detail into my drawings as I can, but I think it really stands out here ^_^.

Ok too things I wanna touch on, one, the areole of whatever you call it. I was super unsure about you being able to see that, I really like Ruby, well I LOVE her and all my characters, and I dont want any of them too come across as slutty, which this picture kinda makes her look. But I dont really see it like that, I see it more like maybe she stayed a night over at Cyans and shes teasing him in the morning after a night of crazy lurving, coz she wouldny exactly walk around anywhere like that lol. Its the same withe the last Alita picture, shes not gonna wear a vest that barely covers her nipples and her thong sticking out like that around the streets no, she'd dress like that behind closed doors with Mech's her boyfriend, and its teh same here with Ruby and Cyan. So yeah, dont get the wrong idea lol.

The second I want to point out is she actually had a garter on her right thigh, but it clashed with the Evolved Demon mark on her leg, and it was just plain out of place here. Like in this picture its supposed to be like, shes woken up, hears Cyan making breakfast, shoved a shirt on and went down stairs, makes sense, but why the fuck would she put on a garter? o.O

Annnnnnnnnnnnnyway, I really like this, hope you do too


Wednesday 25 March 2009

AATM Chibi-Ish Characters One Redone

I know I've already done these three, but if you go back and look its not as well drawn as the other two chibi trio's I've done, I much prefer this layout, not to mention Alita was drawn pretty bad on the last one, so yeah much better looking here, probally the cutest in the picture.
