Thursday 30 September 2010

Tira and the Chef Finished

Ok, so I said I wasnt going to colour this, I guess I changed my mind.

As I said before my main problem with the picture was her hands, they just looked odd, so by making his cock longer so she's no longer sitting in his lap, you can see her arms and her hands dont look flat or crushed. I also re-drew her pussy, it looked retarded in the first one.

Also I added aload of cum lol, I've never felt that good at drawing cum, but I think I got it pretty spot on here.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Chibi Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi

More chibi stuff for

Again, if your interested in dechipering manga, or getting some done, contact them, plus, check out their cosplaying, they make a fucking awsome Sasuke.

Chibi Kisame, Kakuza and Itachi

I drew these for my friend

They are doing a manga dechipering ( yes I dont know how to spell it ) with some friends on livejournal, if thats your kinda thing I recomend contacting them.

Also, check out their Sasuke cosplay, its amazing!!!

Ash the shark girl

I'm not too sure what to say here, somebody suggested I draw a mermaid, I didn't really wanna do that, but it got me thinking about furries ( does it count if there's no fur? ) and it made me think, you see lots of fox girls and tiger guys etc, and it made me wonder why not that many people draw shark people? So I decided to give it a go.

I quite like it though, I tried hard to make sure she looked pretty instead of like, evil, I mean, sharks arn't evil, but they certainly do look it, and I really didn't want that here.

I know I draw alot of ass-based pictures, but honestly this isnt really supposed to be one of those, I just had her back to us so we could see the tail and fin, and because I draw so many ass-based pictures I decided to give her a short tail to not block out the booty.

Anyway, I wrote alot, if you read this far, thanks for reading.


Wednesday 8 September 2010

Mykel Haku re-designed

Mykel Haku, a character of mine who I have sadly ignored for quite a while, however after recently watching Princess Monoke ( the inspiration for the whole Kamaru story ) I decided I wanted to re-design him, not that he didnt look kewl before, but it was very bland, not much detail and was basically the same outfit as Minora's.


So yeah, Mykel, Minora and Kamaru have all been re-designed and I'll show the other two soon.

By the way, I was in a dark room and slightly drunk when I drew this, which is why the colouring and shading is so bad, but its ment to be rough, just so kinda show off the new outfit really.
