Tuesday 30 December 2008

AATM Ruby's Story Page Five

Page five, woot ^_^

I like this but not as much as the others, I cant tell if I like the plain white back grounds. I did those because other wise it'd just all be blue skys and then it'd all look really samey :SS

Ooooo and introducing Jet ^_^, I know I know she has future Ruby's hair colour, theres good reason for this though, all will be explained later, and yup, Ruby's actually a natural blone, who knew lol.The last panel is kind of messy, but thats just coz I wanna speed on a little and its difficult to do detail on titchy little pictures like that.

Oh well enjoy x

Monday 29 December 2008

Random Knuckle Bitey Dude

Hmmm, ok I admit it, this is a little weird lol ^_^

Ok so this is a request for, erm................. you know they asked me to do it so long ago I cant remember who it is anymore lol, meh he's an awsome guy anyway. Basically he asked me to draw someone with his habit of biting his kuckles, when I asked what this guy should look like he said it was up to me, and this is what sprung to mind, if you cant tell his face is wrapped in bandages o.O

So yeah, dedicated to whome ever asked for this x

Sunday 28 December 2008

Sexy Kamaru Two

Recently some one noted me over Deviantart and said that although they liked my Kamaru Character, they felt he should be an actual female rather than a girly- looking boy who dresses like a girl. they said he had the body and certanly the ass of a girl, so why not take away his penis, add some boobs and wull-ah! They said they actually liked the character, loved his personality and back story, but felt worried he wouldnt be tooken seriously if I were ever to get AATM published.

I wasnt annoyed by what the person said, in fact I could sorta see where they were coming from, but I like Kamaru being a boy, its part of his charm, part of his uniqueness. For me Kamaru wearing girls clothes is a stand on being who you want to be, its important to wear what you wanna wear, be who you wanna be regardless of how strange and un-natural people may find you, regardless of what people have to say or who makes fun of you, if you a guy and think you have a great ass and like showing it off in skirts, then dayum boy get that skirt on!
I cant help it intollerant people are assholes, judging people just because their different, and thats why Kamaru is a boy, and will stay a boy, thats who he is, he wears girls clothes and hes dam proud to do it ^_^

So yeah, I figured I'd draw Kamaru in his full cross dressed glory, showing off his sexy ass and just being who he is ^_^. I think its a pretty good drawing, he certainly looks pretty enough and I think I did a nice job with pose, costume design and shading, so yeah, enjoy x

Wednesday 24 December 2008

AATM Christmas Special

Not much to say its pretty sefl explanatory ^_^

Merry christmans y'all and a happy new year, thanks too all my supportors and fans xxx^_^

Monday 22 December 2008

AATM Ruby's Story Page Four

Page four yay!

First and foremost, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw how cwute does kid Jade look?! Shes roughly 10/11 years old there and as you can see has a speech inpedimant. I really like the look of her, it just suites her so much, well her as a kid anymore, as Rubys teen look suites her ^_^.

I know that grey isnt the most exciting colour to have done their house in, but they live in a pretty shittty run down neighbour hood, and I think that grey shows that pretty well.

One major fuck up with this is Jades clothes are purple, yet on the previous page they were white, this is because once I had finished the white just looked far to plaine and boring, so I went for purple, which is Jades favourite colour and I think it suites much more ^_^

The purse Jade gives Ruby is my actual purse lol, just so you know. So yeah, pretty decent page ^_^

Thursday 18 December 2008

AATM Ruby's Story Page Three

Lol ok, never, not even with the Kamaru's GB have I ever done three pages of the same thing this quickly!

When I said I was gonna do a proper comic I knew one or two people would be wewt, but like ( and I dont wanna sound vain ) at least 30 people have already told me how happy they are about it and how much they cant wait for me to do more, so I guess thats really spurred me on, so thanks to those people ^_^

As you can see this is Ruby when she was sixteen, before she evolved, her skins still white, well, human kinda white here, Its awsome seeing her like this, I love it ^_^, and I wont say who's hand that is coz my proper fans will know ^_^ x

AATM Ruby's Story Page Two

Page two, woo ^_^, not a great deal so say about this, well there is but its nithing I havent already said on the firts page, and its annoying when ppl repeat them selves, so yeah, I like this, feel like I got what I wanted to get, one thing I do wanna point out is I did this page on the back of the first, so the first page showed through and it took ages to edit it out, anyway I think this looks great, and oooo in the next page we'll see a young non-evolved Ruby o.O

Wednesday 17 December 2008

AATM Ruby's Story Page One

Ok, I wish it had a better title then AATM ( Alita And The Mascots, hopefully most people have figured that out by now lol ) Ruby's Story Page One, but at the moment I dont, nor do I have a cover page lol, why a cover page you ask? Because I'm finally doing a proper comic about AATM, well, one of the three main storys anyway ^_^

The three stories are all based around different characters, although most of the characters in each story know the characters from the other stories, anyway, one stroy is about Kamaru, one is about Alita, and one, this one, is based around Ruby ^_^

I really like how its drawn, really like it, the colours are a great contrast, I was a bit iffy about the text boxes, I was worried they'd look out of place since all I've got to work with is microsoft paint, but I actually really like it, it works. I especially like the bottom panel, it just looks great ^_^ and I drew the ass nice to show I can still do it lol, so yeah, enjoy,and I'll do a new page as often as possible x

Monday 15 December 2008

6000 Views On DA

Ok woo 6000 hits! I didnt do a drawing for my 5000 hit mark so I figured I had to for the 6000.Its not greatly drawn, its ok, it looks better on paper, this is because my scanner is gay and made it go all greyish, which its not suppossed to do, i re did the white on Xanthi's boobs, but it didnt work anywhere else and would of tooken way to long, and as much as I love these two I just couldnt be bothered since its just a joke-y picture.

Ok so I imagine most people know that kinda girl who is great and you love her to bits, but for some reason when she's drunk she grabs boobs, alot, well thats the kinda girl I figured Ruby would be, just suites her, and who's boobs are better to grab than Xanthi's lol. The boobs were actually very hard to draw, I wanted them all smooshed up but didnt want them looking retarded, anyway I think this is pretty good, and wewt figured out how to make the page look normal again!!! I know I did that a few weeks ago but forgot to point it out lol

Tuesday 9 December 2008


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh FINALLY!! lol I drew Dou ages ago, like literally months, but I couldnt find the colours for him, in my mind he had blue skin and white hair, but thats the same as Alita, and I think she has a very unique look, I mean sure shes not the only blu skinned white haird huge boobed animeish chick out there, but you dont see it very often, so as much as the colours suited him, he'd just be another Alita, and I didnt want that. His coulours finally came to me when a bee came into my room, I was getting rid of it, I had it in a glass and i held it up, looked inside and thought, wow bee's colours are nice, then later whilst watching 300 ( which was fucking awsome and made me cry ) I sketched Dou, added bee colours with a little red and wulah!! ^_^

Dou is a villian in the AATM series and falls into Ruby's story line, I'm not sure what its going to be yet but him and her have some kind of past together and now they want each other dead. Dou is Kane's right hand man and works for him because Kane has promised Dou unbelivable power, I know thats a little cliche, but I think it works, not ever villian needs to be fueled by some sort of super twisted crazy in depth storyline, it can be simple yet brilliant some times ^_^. My favourite thing about Dou is that he's out of his fucking mind, hes literally an utter psycho and nearly always has some sort of creepy grin on his face. He's skilled at both hand to hand and long ranged fighting, but prefers close range, he prefers to feel his opponents get sliced to ribbons rather than just fire a gun and see them fall over.

Dou is inspired by two characters, the first is the Akatsuki member Hidan from Naruto, they have similar personalites except Dou's less foul mouthed, And the second is Dou Maxwell from Gundam Wing. I was never really a huge Gundam Wing fan, I mean it was good and all, and the Gundams themselves are so fucking kewl!, but it was just too diplomatic and mainly focused on politics between space and earth, some episodes were literally just people talking about war, when what you wanna see is the Gundams and their pilots, I was more into Dragonball Z, crazy guys flying around screaming whilst their arms go " PEW PEW PEW!!!" It was AWSOME!! One of the shows that inspired me to do what I do, but yeah, Dou Maxwell was brilliant, and so I've named my character the same name ^_^
Dou, my Dou probally dies at the hands of Ruby after a masoove battle whilst Crimson, Cyan and Kamaru battle Kane.

Friday 5 December 2008

AATM Random Comic Page

Ok, so you all know Ruby, and you all know Cyan, and if you dont you really should by now, so that means your not a fan................NO COOKIES FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, as SOME of you will know, Ruby and Cyan have the hots for each other, and do all sorts of stuf with eachother, yep, even that, but again their not actually a couple yet ( they get together after the battle with Kane ).

Here their disscussing how they deal with the deaths they have to cause, and Cyan is pretty shocked to see Ruby's true cold nature.I think its pretty well drawn, the back grounds not great, and the last panel was pretty hurried, but I do like i, I really like the shading to the faces, usuall I just do a little down the side, but I tried to expand on that and just make it look all together better ^_^

Thursday 4 December 2008

Forever Isnt That Long....

Ok, again hate to be vain but fuck this is good ^_^

As you know I've decided that I'm not doing H anymore for various reasons, and so therefore with my recent stuff I've been trying to show I can draw more then just sexy asses, and so thats what I've gone for here, most aspects I've only really shown of Alita is that she's a smoking hottie! But theres much more to her, I've developed a HUGE back story for her and a personality too match, not too mention a confusing and complicated relationship with another character of mine, Mech's O'Brian.

This is a part of that relationship, they flirt with each other alot and have sex a fair bit, but they've yet to become a proper couple and admit their in love with each other. In the end Mech's finally goes to tell Alita just how much she means to him, but cant find the words he says sumthing like :

" I ....I want yoy to know how I feel, but I'm scared, I'm scared you wont feel the same back, and if you dont, then I'd never be able to look at you again, I feel like I should hold what I wanna say up forever, and never change what we have...."

To Which Alita turns to face him, tears in her eyes and says:

" Dont you see? Forever isnt that long.........."

What she means is you'll have to tell me sooner or later, because there's no such thing as forever.........

So yeah, I really like this, if I had to put a song to it it'd probally be "A Bad Dream" by "Keane" not my kinda band, but the song just fits really really well ^_^


Tuesday 2 December 2008

Xanthi Obsession Cover

Ok I am WELL proud of this!! lol. I dont usually post Xanthi pictures on here, but since I'm taking a break from hentai ( Hopefully forever ) I thought I might as well ^_^

Xanthi's one of my favouriye OC characters, but I find her very VERY difficult to draw, coz as I said in the last picture of her, she is ment to be so drop-dead-jaw-breakingly-beautiful the only word for her is angelic, and I find that very difficult to do justice.As I'm hoping you might of guessed this is suppossed to be a magazine cover, a popular magazine on Xanthi's planet called OBSESSION ( the magazine not the planet lol ) and since shes the planets hottest model Xanthi's on the cover.I was looking at some fashion magazines and the kind of stuff it says on the covers, it was all the usual bullshit, bits about this person and bits about that show and yadda yadda, all seems like none senseical ravings to me, so thats what I kinda went for with the text. I think it looks ok, I did try using other colours but it just seemed tacky and really unattractive.

So yeah, I like this ^^

Monday 1 December 2008

Bucky O'Hare

Lol now this is a random drawing, which is a rare thing for me to say lol.

I was talking with my friend recently about shows from our childhood, he's a little older than me so we dont really know much about the show each other grew up on, but he mentioned Bucky O'Hare, and although I remember absolutly NOTHING about it, I remembered Bucky himself. My friend said it'd be awsome to see Bucky in my style of drawing, so I drew this for him x