Friday 25 September 2009

Smexy Kamaru Four

Yay more Kamaru ^_^

I havent drawn him in a while, so getting a new one done makes me very happy lol.

I drew this about a month ago, which is why the skin is the old colour.

I really like this drawing, I think he pose is really sexy and maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I want that outfit, seriously, I have a big ass, the ood kind, I'm not afraid to admit I got booty and damn a nice big ass in tiny white shorts is hot, so yeah, I want the outfit, wish I could pll it outta the picture lol.

Oh yeah I've changed his hair, I decided plain parting down the middle is a little plain and boring for a cross dressing gay fem boy I wanted to give him something more feminine, I really liek it, it took me ages to get a style I liked

I like the mouth, its small pouty and lustful, very sexy, my only problem is the eyes, they just seem a little too small to me, but otherwise I liek it ^_^.

Tuesday 22 September 2009

AATM Ruby's Story Page 38

Like I said in the last page, I've grown sick of the sunburnt pink I use, and wanted to improve, and I think I've seriously done that, if you disagree let me know, but I'm very happy with it.

I also like the additonal shines to the lips and eyes and the shadow in the eyes too, I thnk its very succsessful.

I'm starting to ingle reading his, the evolution is so fucking close!

I really liek jet, I like how she's tied to a pole and could die any second but she's still just smiling and swearing and being liek "FUCK YOU!" ^_^. Really like that botom panel, I liek teh second alot too actually lol .

AATM Ruby's Story Page 37

Page 37, Duo reveals what their dong there, I really like their whole scheme coz its just so basic and cruel, like there's no redeeming quality to it, its just fucked up plain and simple.

I dont really like this page, I was getting stressed with the clour now I use a different one for skin, so its very hurried

Monday 21 September 2009

AATM Ruby's Story Page 36

Omg, this has been drawn for so so long lol, so glad to finally get it up.

I love how Ruby shouts "YOU!" and then Duo introduces himself, fuck I love his name ^_^

I like that he calls Jet Red too

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Alita Rough Sketch

I dont usually upload sketch's, not sure why alot of people do but for some reason I just dont, but I really like this one, I'm not sure why, I just do.

You cant tell since its not in colour, but Alita is actually wearing Edward Elric's oufit from FMA, this was a sketch for my 13,000 hits picture that never got drawn, which was gonna be ll my main AATM characters cosplaying, but yeah never did it, but I like the sketch ^_^

Friday 11 September 2009


I'm not too sure how I feel about this one, everything but the mouth is fine, her body, her hair, her eyes, they all look fine, but I dunno, the mouth went totally wrong.

None the less a nice picture, as the title says its one of Xanthi's party dress's, but like fancy party.


Tuesday 8 September 2009

AATM: Kane and Duo

I've been waiting to show this off for fucking ever, mainly because it took me forever to get it right.

I've wanted to do a Kane and Duo picture for ages, but I dunno, it just wasnt working plain and simple, so when I finally cracked it I was pleased ^_^.

I really like drawing beaches and the ocean and stuff, but its always liek bright and yellow and blue, and since these guys are the main villians of Ruby's Story, I figured a kinda pre-apocoliptic ocean would work better.

I really like how you cant really see them, even though their both right there, and I like how out of place the black on Kane looks, just makes him more menacing ^_^

Monday 7 September 2009

Riza Hawkeye: In the clock tower

All my school works done, and my scanners working... FUCKING-WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO........HOOOOOOO

So yeah, finally got all my stuff done, I decided whilst doing it that I needed to disiplne ( or how ever you spell it ) myself, and so I wouldn't allow myself to upload any work untill I had my school stuff done. and now it is, I can finally start uploading stuff again ^_^.

So yeah, here's Riza Hawkeye and Gluttony from Full Metal Alchemist. I liked teh oriognal series but I loved the manga, and now its animated, well, yeah fucking awsome, already my fave anime. So yeah, I really like Riza Hawkeye, she's just So un-typical and none cliche, I think its awsome, something about that makes her really sexy, not too mention the fact that shes plain hot ^_^.

So yeah if you read FMA or watch FMA: Brotherhood you'll remember a scene where Barry's origonal body attacks them, and Hawkeye is sniping from up in a clock tower type of thing, then Gluttony comes in, fucks her up a little before Mustang blows him out of the building. No idea why, but when they meet the whole "Girls and monsters" hentai thing came into my mind, see I'm really into that, I like fantasy hentai basically, stuipily huge cocks and tummy buldge and stuff, it really appeals to me. So when they meet this kinda image popped up, and it made me go n look at Hawkeye hentai, but its all shit, I mean its well drawn, but its all SOOOOOOO boring. The picture I've drawn is the kinda thing I wanted to see, but I couldnt find it, so I thought fuck it, I'll draw it.

I dont really know the story, I cant see why Riza would stop protecting her friends to fuck the enemy, but meh, its just a picture.

I'm pretty proud of it, I reallllllly like the boobs, I feel like I fuck boobs up alot, so I'm really proud of how sexy they look. I'm proud of their faces too, they worked out really well, especially Gluttony, let me tell you, for such a plain face it's suprisisngly hard to actualy draw O.o. I ike that she's grinning too, most of you know how much I hate rape, and considering he's holding her so tightly and her clothes so ripped, it looks very rape like, so I needed to make sure it looked liek she was enjoying whats about to come.

Good to be back ^_^