Friday 21 January 2011

Avril And Her Boss

This is my OC Avril, and as you might be able to guess ts quite an old drawing due to the misshapen face and the very pink skin color, I drew this like, maybe two years ago, and for some reason never bothered to upload it, maybe I didnt think it's that good, I mean its not great, but far from awful.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Its a stormtrooper thing Episode one, Zuckuss.

My friends at Evil Rocket Banana Inc have a new vid up, its awsome, its kinda like Arby and the Chief mixed with Toy Story. Its about 5 lowly Stormtrooper figures who have to do Vader's dirty work, give it a check ^_^

Monday 10 January 2011

The Rockstar And The Fan

Ok, so I guess I was wrong, and I've ended up finishing this, see I wanted to redraw it, better, but everytime I tried I didnt think it looked as good or better then this, then I decided that this is actually quite a damn good picture so I decided to just color teh origonal.

It doesn't look as good as some of my works, but that's because I drew this differantly, different paper and used a different pen seeing as my intention was to digitally colour.

The two version's arn't that different, in the lower one it looks more like he's actually fucking her rather then just being in one static position. I decided not to do a cum coated version of this as it doesn't fit with the story behind the characters, but if I draw these two again, then I will do a cum coated version of that ^_^.

And lastly I have made one or two alterations, like you can see cum pouring down between her legs, also I added a bit of red behind the shine on the ass, my favourite hentai artist Eroquis does that and it looks great, so I wanted to try, and I think its came out really well.

Friday 7 January 2011

A Raven In The Snow

I've drawn Raven with her clothes on and not having sex............. what the hell!?

Well I've been meaning to draw something like this for quite a while, a nice none sexual picture of Raven. See, I actually love the character, that's the reason I draw her so much, sure I think she's hot, but that's not it, I think she's amazing in every way. She's funny, bad ass, caring, deep, and voiced by Tara Strong, who kicks ass!.

Point is I don't just see Raven as some big ass'd slut whose sole purpose is to be a cum dumpster, sure I draw her like that alot, but that's not how I see her, I see her as this awsome character who likes sex alot lol.

Anyway, I like this, its all hand drawn, nothing digital.

Hope ya like.


Another of the main Lost World characters, like I said there's seven of them, Violet who you've already seen. Then there's Link, D.L, Roy, Robert, Ronald and Gretel.

Gretel is an android and is heavily based on Raven from the Teen Titans. She was built as an assasination droid but soon her creator wanted her to really live, kinda a pinochio kinda story. So he fitted her with all these machines that gave her feelings. She's in love with Link and the two are a couple, she's my favourite of the LW group.

Gretel was origonally from the Time Splitter's games.

Hope you like.