Wednesday 29 December 2010


This is a character of mine that I created a very long time ago, well, she isn't exactly my character, see, ok, this is a long story, before AATM there was The Lost World, it was based on seven characters, all of these characters were characters from games I loved, and after a few years they developed into my own characters. This character is Violet, based on Violet from Cel Damage. I loved her, and turned her into my own character.

I have never uploaded any Lost World stuff here, I dont really know why, perhaps AATM took over, anyway, this was part of a project for college, I planned to draw massive a1 pictures of the main seven characters, in the end I only got four done, So I'll probally upload the other three pretty soon.

If you think the quality of the picture is kinda shit that's because this is a photograph of the finished picture instead of a scan, like I said it might look small but this is actually an a1 image and took a whole week.


Wednesday 8 December 2010

Smexy Videl

Videl is my fave DBZ girl and one of the hottest chicks in anime all together, for me anyway, I'm suprised it's taken me this long to do a smexy of her.

Hit-Girl and Red-Mist

Another Hit-Girl hentai. Its her and Red-Mist screwing over the mist mobile, I think the final one is my favourite version. The face took ages to get right at first, just couldn't make the mouth work, but I think I got there in the end.

This is inspired by a hentai I saw a few years back of Raven, I'd link you but I dont remember where I saw it and I dont want to post other people's work on my blog.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

My Friends F.M.A Style

Today My cat had to be put down, I was with him as they put in the needle, and I watched him die, he's been my friend for as long as I can honestly remember, and I will miss him greatly. Obviously I'm pretty down because of this, and went through my old pictures to see if I could find any of him. I stumbled across aload of old artwork that I drew a good few years back and it cheered me up a bit.

Anyway, I dont wanna go on about him, not that he isnt worth talking about or anything, but I dont want to attention seek from his death. This is a screen shot from one of the origional F.M.A endings which I drew over in paint and replaced the characters with myself and my friends. I dunno, its just a really nice picture, very nostalgic for me, I love everyone in this picture apart from the guy playing cards with the light hair, I loved him then, but he fucked me over, so fuck that guy.

Anyway, just wanted to uplaod this

Saturday 4 December 2010

The Stuff I Wont be Finishing

These are three pictures I was working on and off and I guess I've just utterly ran out of steam on them, well, on two of them.

The first one is of Argent a random guy, I got to colouring the room and I dunno, I'm just not feeling it anymore, I dont feel enthusiastic to it at all, and think I could do much better.

The second is an OC character of mine, a hot rockstar who has found herself giving a young fan a personal show. He's about 10, she's about 20. I've wanted to do age differance stuff for quite a while, but as silly as it sounds have been a bit nervous of treading into such a taboo area, but after the Hit-Girl hentai I did I got alot of great positive feedback and decided I should do more if I want to and not worry about what people think. This isn't something I've given up on, I actually REALLY like this picture, but I'm having trouble colouring it, plus I can definatly draw it better, so I'm going to redo this sometime soon.

And the final one is Raven and again, a random guy, man she likes them huh? Again just not feeling it, so gonna leave it alone from now on.

Thanks for reading.

Friday 19 November 2010

Shrunken Akatsuki Cloaks

Another sexy/funny Konan picture I thought up and really wanted to do.

Kisame has shrunken the cloaks and Konan'r rather big round ass is know on display.

I've always wondered how it worked with the outfits, does a member just wash them all? I mean they cant just stay constantly clean, So yeah, I thought it'd be funny, hope ya like.

Monday 8 November 2010


Who is the one person you would never ever EVER want to walk in on you whilst your having sex with their daughter? Yes, Big-Daddy lol.

Anyway, I think this is pretty good, I love the, I've always wanted to try doing a drawing with very little color but alot of mood, and I think I did that pretty well.


Monday 25 October 2010

After The Akatsuki Threeway...

This is very random lol.

I was trying to think of a new Konan hentai, with either Hidan or Kakuzu, or both. Then I wondered what it would be like after the smex, considering the immortal duo are always at each others throats. I imagined this little scene and found it funny, so I drew it.

Dunno why I decided to hand colour it, seeing as I haven't done that in ages, I guess I just wanted to, as its way more fun then digital colouring, aslo I decided not to touch it up with the pc either, even on my old hand coloured work I got rid of little mistakes with paint or photoshop, but I decided to leave all the smudges and stuff in, it gives it a little more charm for a comedy picture.

I really REALLY like Konan's face in this picture, I dunno, just love it. I like that the guys are smoking, they suite smoking.

Anyway, hope you like.


Monday 18 October 2010


I have recently been Naruto crazy, the manga's gotten good and I FINALLY got my hands on Naruto Shippuuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, its a mouth full lol, but its awsome, seriously, awsomely awsome.

So anyway, yeah, Naruto obbsessed at the moment and decided I wanted to do another Akatsuki portrait, and decided to do Kakuzu, I was gonna leave him till last as I find him incredibly difficult to draw, but I think I've pulled this off pretty well, its not the best picture ever of him, but its definatly not the worst.



Thursday 14 October 2010

Marker Pen Raven

This is a lil random, far from the best thing I've ever done, but I hardly think the worst.

My lover bought me these like graphic novel marker pens ages ago, I loved them but couldnt really make them work as they ran on the paper, but I finally got some paper that works with them, and have done some doodles, this being one of them

Friday 8 October 2010

Raven and random guy three

Ok, I havent drawn Raven in quite a while so I figured I would again.

I'm pretty happy with this, I love the face in the first non-cum version, I've never been very good at faces from a lower angle, but I think I did a really good job and I'm really pleased with how it turned out. Obviously the big fat ass looks awsome, I like the hands, the shines.

I like doing a clean and wet version, as REIQ would call it, I'm not sure about her face in the wet version though, the sweat and cum look good, her rolled back eye looks good, but maybe the mouths at a weird angle? Meh, its hot anyway.

Hope ya like, it was alot of work.

Thursday 30 September 2010

Tira and the Chef Finished

Ok, so I said I wasnt going to colour this, I guess I changed my mind.

As I said before my main problem with the picture was her hands, they just looked odd, so by making his cock longer so she's no longer sitting in his lap, you can see her arms and her hands dont look flat or crushed. I also re-drew her pussy, it looked retarded in the first one.

Also I added aload of cum lol, I've never felt that good at drawing cum, but I think I got it pretty spot on here.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Chibi Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi

More chibi stuff for

Again, if your interested in dechipering manga, or getting some done, contact them, plus, check out their cosplaying, they make a fucking awsome Sasuke.

Chibi Kisame, Kakuza and Itachi

I drew these for my friend

They are doing a manga dechipering ( yes I dont know how to spell it ) with some friends on livejournal, if thats your kinda thing I recomend contacting them.

Also, check out their Sasuke cosplay, its amazing!!!

Ash the shark girl

I'm not too sure what to say here, somebody suggested I draw a mermaid, I didn't really wanna do that, but it got me thinking about furries ( does it count if there's no fur? ) and it made me think, you see lots of fox girls and tiger guys etc, and it made me wonder why not that many people draw shark people? So I decided to give it a go.

I quite like it though, I tried hard to make sure she looked pretty instead of like, evil, I mean, sharks arn't evil, but they certainly do look it, and I really didn't want that here.

I know I draw alot of ass-based pictures, but honestly this isnt really supposed to be one of those, I just had her back to us so we could see the tail and fin, and because I draw so many ass-based pictures I decided to give her a short tail to not block out the booty.

Anyway, I wrote alot, if you read this far, thanks for reading.


Wednesday 8 September 2010

Mykel Haku re-designed

Mykel Haku, a character of mine who I have sadly ignored for quite a while, however after recently watching Princess Monoke ( the inspiration for the whole Kamaru story ) I decided I wanted to re-design him, not that he didnt look kewl before, but it was very bland, not much detail and was basically the same outfit as Minora's.


So yeah, Mykel, Minora and Kamaru have all been re-designed and I'll show the other two soon.

By the way, I was in a dark room and slightly drunk when I drew this, which is why the colouring and shading is so bad, but its ment to be rough, just so kinda show off the new outfit really.


Wednesday 25 August 2010

Tira and the Chef.

A drawing I did of Tira at Sonisphere this year, her hands are grapping his massive balls as he fucks her ass, I love the idea but think I drew the hands sorta bad, so I might never colour, so I figured I'd just upload the black and white version for now. Let me know if you think I should colour it ^_^.

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Behind Konan's Door.

Ok, so once again we have Konan, once again entertaining random faceless men in her room, no fat guys this time though, and she looks much more in contrik if the situation lol.

This is the first CG set I've ever done, it started off just as her sucking the fore-ground guys cock, but I decided to add the guy behind her last second, then with much photoshopping I coloured it all in, saved it, then totally removed the background guy. Then I decided to do all teh alterations of cum that I could lol.

I do really like these pictures, I love the way she's looking straight into the eyes of the guy who's ball she's sucking. I love the eyes, love the lips, love the balls lol. My only problem is the cum, I dont know why, but I just havent manadged to get the colour, the texture right ever since I went digital :s, but hopefully that will change in time.

Anyway, I like it, hope you do too.


Friday 13 August 2010

How I Fucked My Sister Page 06

Aaaaaand the incestual perversion continues, this isn't the original page 6, but its much better anyway.

Friday 6 August 2010


My third Akastuki drawing ( if you dont include the Konan hentai's ). Sasori is ny third favourite Akatsuki member, and I really wanted to draw him, but I was seriously struggling to find a good pose for him. Then the obvious idea of having the third hanging over his shoulder like a dark passenger hit me. I love Sasori, I think he's probally the most unique and demented of all the Akatsuki, seems like the most troubled character, I really love him.

So yeah, I quite like this, I really like how sinister the third looks, I like how his left hand is copying Sasori's, but its right is gripping his shoulder, like it has a mind of its own.

I wasnt too sure about what background to use, sunny seemed bad as I used it for Kisame, but I actually like the sisnter look of the pair with the sunny background, its a nice contrast.

Also this is the first time I've ever drawn chakra, and its worked out much much nicer then I expected it too .


Friday 23 July 2010

How I Fucked My Sister Page 05

Page 5, I guess its ok, its not that detailed, but to be honest I didnt put that much effort into the digital part, alot of people are waiting for it to get to the sex and so I'm not gonna keep them waiting.

I do really like Jennifers face in the first panel though, looks very sexy


Wednesday 21 July 2010

How I Fucked My Sister Page 04

This has taken me waaaaaaaaay to long to get done, but I think its a very sexy page so probaly worth the wait.

I really like the second panel, perspective is nice lol.

Hopefully it wont get pulled from here, but if it does it'll be on my blog.

Tuesday 20 July 2010


Kisame is one of my two favourite EVER anime/manga/cartoon/movie characters, the other being Itachi, and it two things hit me the other day, one, Kisame can look kinda hot some times, and this should be shown much more often, also, I have never ever drawn a fully finished coloured picture of him, this would not do.

So obviously its like the Konan one I drew, the posing moonlight, not the erm, other one >.>....... So, yeah I wanted it to be similar, but not identical, so I made the background sunny with a big slash of water being our fishy friend. I think the sun looks kind of shit, but otherwise, I really really like it, I especially like the waves.

I think I'm gonna do a picture like this for every member of the Akatsuki, probaly Hidan or Itachi next.


Thursday 15 July 2010

Konan Manhandled

Ok, so I know the last post was a Konan picture, but fuck it, shes kewl, shes sexy and shes awsome, so I decided to finish the second hentai drawing I've started of her ( the first is complicated and will take ages lol )

I'm really quite happy with this, I especially like the shines on the guys cock and Konan's leg.
My only problem with it is that some of the lines are a little wavy or flaky-looking, but otherwise I like it.

Like the Raven HD-DT picture I did, I made the guy pretty fat, for two reasons. One, it kinda makes it a tad bit more realistic ( as realistic as fucking a women made out of paper can be ), but also, it just makes it more dirty, like Konan wants cock so bad that shes willing to get it off some hairy fat guy lol. As you can see the guy is somewhat more dominant and rougher then Konan was ready for, which is awsome, rough sex is brilliant.


Monday 12 July 2010


Ah Konan, easily my favourite girl of Naruto. I mean, she doesn't do much, which I was never too happy about, but then again none of the girls in Naruto do, their all just busy being in love ( ugh).

Anyway, so yeah, Konan, this is the third time I've drawn a proper picture of her, but its the first I've uploaded. I didn't really want it to be a smexy picture like most of the girls I draw, I just wanted it to be really kewl and pretty, which I think it is ^_^

Saturday 3 July 2010

Smexy Starfire Two

Starefire, I feel I leave her out way too much, I guess its coz she isn't gothic, and me being a goth, I tend to lean towards Raven and Argent.

So, whilst I was away travelling, I went on a horny art streak, and now have much hentai to colour and submit. Smexy Argent Two took ages because I really strugglled with the page cleaning with photoshop, however, my partner recently taught me how to do it right, and so yeah, now, I can work much, much faster ^_^

Anyway, I'm blabbering, so yeah, I really like this, its alot like Raven two, but still, I like it, I like the shines and stuff, like Argent I made her a mega-boobed titan.

Anyway, enjoy, Smexy Starfire two got removed, so this one may too, so enjoy it whilst it lasts, it'll be on my blog anyway.


Saturday 29 May 2010

Smexy Argent Two

Ok, so heres the Argent picture finished. I've got to admit I think it looks fucking awsome! lol, I am very proud of my hand colouring, but, this just looks great.

Since its coloured digitally it takes ALOT longer to get a picture done, but I think the wait is more worth it.


Tuesday 25 May 2010

Random Sketches

Like teh title says, just random sketches, some of the characters are mine, well most of em are apart from Hidan, Naruto and Kakashi.

I really like these, especially the Duo and the Kane, the Alita is really sexy.

Friday 21 May 2010

Smexy Argent Two Unfinished

Ok, so like I said in my last journel I may upload one or two black and white pictures just to show I'm still working, besides my DA has felt kinda neglected and I really wanted to upload something.

So yeah, decided to do a new Smexy Argent. In most of my Smexy pictures there very ass based, and although I've still given her killer hips I wanted to make her boobs more the center of attention this time, so I made them huge, why? Not sure, never done a mega boobs picture before and I wanted to try. I really like the face ^_^

Thanks for your patience.

Friday 26 March 2010

Hey, remember me?

I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded anything new in like, forever, so yeah, sorry, I feel like I lost myself for a little bit, but I've found myself again, I was under the couch ^_^.

Ok, I'm going on a little holiday, but when I get back, I''ll be uploading work again, miss hearing from ya'll x

Saturday 6 March 2010


Its been ages since I've posted anything lol, so sorry for the absence, I hate not getting new stuff up, even if I'm working behind the scenes I feel lazy regardless, so yeah, nice to get something new up.

Again this is a comisson for PantyHamster, who I wanna thank again for comissioning me, their such an amazinging, talented artist and I feel deeply honored to do something for them.

So yeah, its Lamia again, by herself this time. I made the boobs smaller and more like the actual characters. I think Lamia herself is well drawn, but I like the background alot too. The last comish I did for PH the background was done in Photoshop but looked dreadful since I wasnt used to the tablet, though I'm improving on it I'm still not great, but since the last one was done characters on paper and background on computer I wanted to do this one the same, so I put far more effort into teh background and filter effects, and I think its turned out pretty nicely ^_^

Hope PH likes ^_^

Tuesday 16 February 2010

New Raven H Test

Ok, so Its been a while since I've posted anything I suppose, especially on my blog, but anyway, I've been working hard on animation testing, both comics and a trying to improve my digital skills with a few new H idea's.

One of the H idea's is a new Raven, the rudest/dirtiest Raven I've drawn yet, lol and you'd think it couldnt get ruder, but it has, yay for horniness.

Anyway its a while off completion, but I've finished the face ( well kinda, I think I'm gonna change the hair, defo need to neaten it up ) I'm gonna add sweat and possibly man juice, lol.

Anyway, I just wanna know what you guys think, I know I've not given you much to go on but yeah, erm, what do you think? lol


Tuesday 26 January 2010

Riza Hawkeye: In The Clocktower Part Two V.2

Ok, so I've added some changes, fixed the hand, added cum, added a blush and added shading I think it loks way better now


Sunday 24 January 2010

Kane Kiriyama

Another attempt at getting used to photoshop and my tablet, and another attempt at incorporating my squiggily shading style into digital art, and to be honest, I think its awsome! Lol.

I'm really proud of this, I just think it looks creepy and evil, and although the lines arnt perefect and some are very shaky, I still like it.

Not to mention I think Kane looks awsome, I tried to make the skull look more sinister ^_^

Friday 15 January 2010

Jane Gang Bang Comission

This is a comission I did for Cybermon36, and I like it quite alot, it was hard to make the cum look god on her skin since their both white. The picture took me a while to do and I did it before I had the tablet ^_^

Thursday 14 January 2010

Star Wars Sketches

Not much to say, I was sketching Star Wars stuff, thought they were pretty kewl and decided to upload them, havent tampered with the page, like done any editting apart from my logo, and they were all drawn from memory so their not screen acurate.

Anyway these are sketches of a few of my fave Star Wars characters, hope you like



Ok, so my second piece of digital art, and tbh I think its definatly better then my last piece, I know people prefer my erotica, but I prefer drawing non-erotica, AATM, for example.

Ok, so here we have Skorp ( The scorpion king ) and well, he's just standing there, looking angry, but well, thats kinda how he is, so I guess its a pretty fitting picture lol.

I do quite like this though, I know its uber simple, but I really like it, unlike the last digital art I did, I tried to add in my old style of shading, I think it worked well ^_^.

I know we havent seen Skorp much, but he show's up later in the Ruby Story and kicks ass lol.

Riza Hawkeye: In The Clocktower Part Two

I got's a tablet!! Woooooo!!

So I decided to have a go at digital, no paper sketches, no scanning, just start and do it all in photoshop. It was a challenge for me, coz I've never really worked like this before, so I've got to admit when I started I didnt feel very confident with this, I just couldnt get the hand of the tablet, its such a weird thing, drawing in one place and looking in another, but I kept pushing as hard as I could, because I really wanted to do a good job, and well, I think I have done.

When I did the original picture, alot of people asked me to do a follow up, something penatritive, I wanted to do it earlier, but the sketches I did just didn't feel right for me, so I did that little vote, and most people said a Hawkeye follow up, so I decided that would be my first piece of digital art.

Like I said, I like it, I have one or two problems, one or two things that look a bit off, but with it being my first digital work, I suppose thats to be expected.

I might edit this and do like cum and thrust and bounce lines and stuff, but I'm not too sure, also I really like the angle, teh last one was just front on and I thought a little boring.

Anyway, hope you like ^_^

Saturday 2 January 2010

Lamina And Orion Comission

Awsome, another comission finished, this one is for PantyHamster ( one of my fave artists here on hA ) So obvioulsy I was flattered when they comissioned me. I feel bad coz I took forever to get it finished, and I feel terrible about that, and just wanna reasure PH and everyone else I usually get what you've paid for to you quickly.

Anyway, I'm pretty pleased with the end result. PH asked for both their faces in the picture, so I started doing a generic side shot, but it ust wasnt sexy enough to me, I felt like the picture didnt really tell you how nice and juicy her boobs felt. So, I decided to turn it into a comic page, one because that way you got dramatic shots of both characters faces, but also, beacsue this way there's more to it, like, it seems like theres a page before and after, like this one page tells a story, shows teh developed world around it, and I mean, thas what arts about really. For example if I draw Raven getting ass fucked, I need there to be a reason and story for that happening, the picture has to go beyond teh frame for me, so thats kinda what I was going for here.

Like I said I do really like the art, I think teh boobs look great, teh way their all squished out, I drew them far bigger then they are in PH's pictures, but for the pose they needed to be bigger. My only problem is teh background, its pretty crap, but Hopefully the characters make up for it.

So hope you liek it PH, sorry it took so long
