Tuesday 30 December 2008

AATM Ruby's Story Page Five

Page five, woot ^_^

I like this but not as much as the others, I cant tell if I like the plain white back grounds. I did those because other wise it'd just all be blue skys and then it'd all look really samey :SS

Ooooo and introducing Jet ^_^, I know I know she has future Ruby's hair colour, theres good reason for this though, all will be explained later, and yup, Ruby's actually a natural blone, who knew lol.The last panel is kind of messy, but thats just coz I wanna speed on a little and its difficult to do detail on titchy little pictures like that.

Oh well enjoy x

Monday 29 December 2008

Random Knuckle Bitey Dude

Hmmm, ok I admit it, this is a little weird lol ^_^

Ok so this is a request for, erm................. you know they asked me to do it so long ago I cant remember who it is anymore lol, meh he's an awsome guy anyway. Basically he asked me to draw someone with his habit of biting his kuckles, when I asked what this guy should look like he said it was up to me, and this is what sprung to mind, if you cant tell his face is wrapped in bandages o.O

So yeah, dedicated to whome ever asked for this x

Sunday 28 December 2008

Sexy Kamaru Two

Recently some one noted me over Deviantart and said that although they liked my Kamaru Character, they felt he should be an actual female rather than a girly- looking boy who dresses like a girl. they said he had the body and certanly the ass of a girl, so why not take away his penis, add some boobs and wull-ah! They said they actually liked the character, loved his personality and back story, but felt worried he wouldnt be tooken seriously if I were ever to get AATM published.

I wasnt annoyed by what the person said, in fact I could sorta see where they were coming from, but I like Kamaru being a boy, its part of his charm, part of his uniqueness. For me Kamaru wearing girls clothes is a stand on being who you want to be, its important to wear what you wanna wear, be who you wanna be regardless of how strange and un-natural people may find you, regardless of what people have to say or who makes fun of you, if you a guy and think you have a great ass and like showing it off in skirts, then dayum boy get that skirt on!
I cant help it intollerant people are assholes, judging people just because their different, and thats why Kamaru is a boy, and will stay a boy, thats who he is, he wears girls clothes and hes dam proud to do it ^_^

So yeah, I figured I'd draw Kamaru in his full cross dressed glory, showing off his sexy ass and just being who he is ^_^. I think its a pretty good drawing, he certainly looks pretty enough and I think I did a nice job with pose, costume design and shading, so yeah, enjoy x

Wednesday 24 December 2008

AATM Christmas Special

Not much to say its pretty sefl explanatory ^_^

Merry christmans y'all and a happy new year, thanks too all my supportors and fans xxx^_^

Monday 22 December 2008

AATM Ruby's Story Page Four

Page four yay!

First and foremost, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw how cwute does kid Jade look?! Shes roughly 10/11 years old there and as you can see has a speech inpedimant. I really like the look of her, it just suites her so much, well her as a kid anymore, as Rubys teen look suites her ^_^.

I know that grey isnt the most exciting colour to have done their house in, but they live in a pretty shittty run down neighbour hood, and I think that grey shows that pretty well.

One major fuck up with this is Jades clothes are purple, yet on the previous page they were white, this is because once I had finished the white just looked far to plaine and boring, so I went for purple, which is Jades favourite colour and I think it suites much more ^_^

The purse Jade gives Ruby is my actual purse lol, just so you know. So yeah, pretty decent page ^_^

Thursday 18 December 2008

AATM Ruby's Story Page Three

Lol ok, never, not even with the Kamaru's GB have I ever done three pages of the same thing this quickly!

When I said I was gonna do a proper comic I knew one or two people would be wewt, but like ( and I dont wanna sound vain ) at least 30 people have already told me how happy they are about it and how much they cant wait for me to do more, so I guess thats really spurred me on, so thanks to those people ^_^

As you can see this is Ruby when she was sixteen, before she evolved, her skins still white, well, human kinda white here, Its awsome seeing her like this, I love it ^_^, and I wont say who's hand that is coz my proper fans will know ^_^ x

AATM Ruby's Story Page Two

Page two, woo ^_^, not a great deal so say about this, well there is but its nithing I havent already said on the firts page, and its annoying when ppl repeat them selves, so yeah, I like this, feel like I got what I wanted to get, one thing I do wanna point out is I did this page on the back of the first, so the first page showed through and it took ages to edit it out, anyway I think this looks great, and oooo in the next page we'll see a young non-evolved Ruby o.O

Wednesday 17 December 2008

AATM Ruby's Story Page One

Ok, I wish it had a better title then AATM ( Alita And The Mascots, hopefully most people have figured that out by now lol ) Ruby's Story Page One, but at the moment I dont, nor do I have a cover page lol, why a cover page you ask? Because I'm finally doing a proper comic about AATM, well, one of the three main storys anyway ^_^

The three stories are all based around different characters, although most of the characters in each story know the characters from the other stories, anyway, one stroy is about Kamaru, one is about Alita, and one, this one, is based around Ruby ^_^

I really like how its drawn, really like it, the colours are a great contrast, I was a bit iffy about the text boxes, I was worried they'd look out of place since all I've got to work with is microsoft paint, but I actually really like it, it works. I especially like the bottom panel, it just looks great ^_^ and I drew the ass nice to show I can still do it lol, so yeah, enjoy,and I'll do a new page as often as possible x

Monday 15 December 2008

6000 Views On DA

Ok woo 6000 hits! I didnt do a drawing for my 5000 hit mark so I figured I had to for the 6000.Its not greatly drawn, its ok, it looks better on paper, this is because my scanner is gay and made it go all greyish, which its not suppossed to do, i re did the white on Xanthi's boobs, but it didnt work anywhere else and would of tooken way to long, and as much as I love these two I just couldnt be bothered since its just a joke-y picture.

Ok so I imagine most people know that kinda girl who is great and you love her to bits, but for some reason when she's drunk she grabs boobs, alot, well thats the kinda girl I figured Ruby would be, just suites her, and who's boobs are better to grab than Xanthi's lol. The boobs were actually very hard to draw, I wanted them all smooshed up but didnt want them looking retarded, anyway I think this is pretty good, and wewt figured out how to make the page look normal again!!! I know I did that a few weeks ago but forgot to point it out lol

Tuesday 9 December 2008


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh FINALLY!! lol I drew Dou ages ago, like literally months, but I couldnt find the colours for him, in my mind he had blue skin and white hair, but thats the same as Alita, and I think she has a very unique look, I mean sure shes not the only blu skinned white haird huge boobed animeish chick out there, but you dont see it very often, so as much as the colours suited him, he'd just be another Alita, and I didnt want that. His coulours finally came to me when a bee came into my room, I was getting rid of it, I had it in a glass and i held it up, looked inside and thought, wow bee's colours are nice, then later whilst watching 300 ( which was fucking awsome and made me cry ) I sketched Dou, added bee colours with a little red and wulah!! ^_^

Dou is a villian in the AATM series and falls into Ruby's story line, I'm not sure what its going to be yet but him and her have some kind of past together and now they want each other dead. Dou is Kane's right hand man and works for him because Kane has promised Dou unbelivable power, I know thats a little cliche, but I think it works, not ever villian needs to be fueled by some sort of super twisted crazy in depth storyline, it can be simple yet brilliant some times ^_^. My favourite thing about Dou is that he's out of his fucking mind, hes literally an utter psycho and nearly always has some sort of creepy grin on his face. He's skilled at both hand to hand and long ranged fighting, but prefers close range, he prefers to feel his opponents get sliced to ribbons rather than just fire a gun and see them fall over.

Dou is inspired by two characters, the first is the Akatsuki member Hidan from Naruto, they have similar personalites except Dou's less foul mouthed, And the second is Dou Maxwell from Gundam Wing. I was never really a huge Gundam Wing fan, I mean it was good and all, and the Gundams themselves are so fucking kewl!, but it was just too diplomatic and mainly focused on politics between space and earth, some episodes were literally just people talking about war, when what you wanna see is the Gundams and their pilots, I was more into Dragonball Z, crazy guys flying around screaming whilst their arms go " PEW PEW PEW!!!" It was AWSOME!! One of the shows that inspired me to do what I do, but yeah, Dou Maxwell was brilliant, and so I've named my character the same name ^_^
Dou, my Dou probally dies at the hands of Ruby after a masoove battle whilst Crimson, Cyan and Kamaru battle Kane.

Friday 5 December 2008

AATM Random Comic Page

Ok, so you all know Ruby, and you all know Cyan, and if you dont you really should by now, so that means your not a fan................NO COOKIES FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, as SOME of you will know, Ruby and Cyan have the hots for each other, and do all sorts of stuf with eachother, yep, even that, but again their not actually a couple yet ( they get together after the battle with Kane ).

Here their disscussing how they deal with the deaths they have to cause, and Cyan is pretty shocked to see Ruby's true cold nature.I think its pretty well drawn, the back grounds not great, and the last panel was pretty hurried, but I do like i, I really like the shading to the faces, usuall I just do a little down the side, but I tried to expand on that and just make it look all together better ^_^

Thursday 4 December 2008

Forever Isnt That Long....

Ok, again hate to be vain but fuck this is good ^_^

As you know I've decided that I'm not doing H anymore for various reasons, and so therefore with my recent stuff I've been trying to show I can draw more then just sexy asses, and so thats what I've gone for here, most aspects I've only really shown of Alita is that she's a smoking hottie! But theres much more to her, I've developed a HUGE back story for her and a personality too match, not too mention a confusing and complicated relationship with another character of mine, Mech's O'Brian.

This is a part of that relationship, they flirt with each other alot and have sex a fair bit, but they've yet to become a proper couple and admit their in love with each other. In the end Mech's finally goes to tell Alita just how much she means to him, but cant find the words he says sumthing like :

" I ....I want yoy to know how I feel, but I'm scared, I'm scared you wont feel the same back, and if you dont, then I'd never be able to look at you again, I feel like I should hold what I wanna say up forever, and never change what we have...."

To Which Alita turns to face him, tears in her eyes and says:

" Dont you see? Forever isnt that long.........."

What she means is you'll have to tell me sooner or later, because there's no such thing as forever.........

So yeah, I really like this, if I had to put a song to it it'd probally be "A Bad Dream" by "Keane" not my kinda band, but the song just fits really really well ^_^


Tuesday 2 December 2008

Xanthi Obsession Cover

Ok I am WELL proud of this!! lol. I dont usually post Xanthi pictures on here, but since I'm taking a break from hentai ( Hopefully forever ) I thought I might as well ^_^

Xanthi's one of my favouriye OC characters, but I find her very VERY difficult to draw, coz as I said in the last picture of her, she is ment to be so drop-dead-jaw-breakingly-beautiful the only word for her is angelic, and I find that very difficult to do justice.As I'm hoping you might of guessed this is suppossed to be a magazine cover, a popular magazine on Xanthi's planet called OBSESSION ( the magazine not the planet lol ) and since shes the planets hottest model Xanthi's on the cover.I was looking at some fashion magazines and the kind of stuff it says on the covers, it was all the usual bullshit, bits about this person and bits about that show and yadda yadda, all seems like none senseical ravings to me, so thats what I kinda went for with the text. I think it looks ok, I did try using other colours but it just seemed tacky and really unattractive.

So yeah, I like this ^^

Monday 1 December 2008

Bucky O'Hare

Lol now this is a random drawing, which is a rare thing for me to say lol.

I was talking with my friend recently about shows from our childhood, he's a little older than me so we dont really know much about the show each other grew up on, but he mentioned Bucky O'Hare, and although I remember absolutly NOTHING about it, I remembered Bucky himself. My friend said it'd be awsome to see Bucky in my style of drawing, so I drew this for him x

Wednesday 26 November 2008

To Whom Ever Reported Smexy Raven Four.....

Ok, so, I dont know if you know or not, but I have a Deviantart account, most things I put up here go up there, apart from obviously the sex stuff. As you know I've done quite a few solo pictures of Teen Titans Raven in which she's looking sexy and rather bootylicious. I quite liked these and I'm guessing from all the posotive feedback, everyone else did.
Apart from one person......
Now I have NO idea who this person is, dunno their name, their age, their skin colour, their favourite type of cold based beverages, all I know is they reported my picture, Smexy Raven Four ( Raven Four on here ). Now obviously I was not a happy bunny, I mean who the fuck has the right to go around reporting peoples art? I learned in college that there is no wrong answer to art and that art is self expression at its most purest form. So the fact that some asshole came along and had my drawing removed got me pretty pissed off, and after a HOOOOOGE rant in my DA journel I decided to draw this. As you can see its Alita, and she's telling the said asshole to kiss her ass for being a prick. I think its pretty funny, and whats great is if this gets reported, then I win and it shows just how petty that person is ( MUhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..................ha ).
I think its a pretty decent drawing, I didnt mean to make her ass look so lush, I didnt want it to be THAT much of a focus on it, but oh well I think me and Alita got our feelings across ^_^.

Monday 24 November 2008

Ruby New York Minute

A really good friend recently said to me that he thought Ruby looked really pretty in my drawing "AATM Five Main Demons" and although I was touched by that, I disagreed, Rubys face was the only thing I disliked in that picture, and so I decided to draw one where she really DID look really pretty ^_^.
As with my picture "Kamaru Electric Feel" this picture also has a drawing that goes with it, a song I sorta see this image to when I listen to it, this one is New York Minute by Don Henley, about 1: 50 into the song, yeah that bit lol.
I really like this picture, I love finally having a picture of Ruby where her eyes arnt rolled back or where she doesnt look all sly and seductive. I really like the eyes and lips.
Ok, so I've done this for Kamaru and now Ruby, I think's I'll do some more, I really like these ^_^

Saturday 22 November 2008

Raven Five

Ok, I love this lol. When I first scanned it in I wasnt too pleased with it, but with a little touching up I think I've made it work pretty nice.
It took me almost an hour to get the shape off the butt right, I could see it perfectly in my head but I had ALOT of trouble getting it too paper, BUT I didnt give up and finally got it. Her mouth was actually different, it was an open grin, but I changed it, as the sly smile is much cuter, for this picture anywhoo. Also she isnt blushing, thats coz I didnt want her to seem embarressed about it, I wanted her to seem proud of her ass, I wanted her to seem like " This is my ass, and damn right its marvellous!!" ^_^
I drew this as a fuck you to Deviantart, as they recently deleted my Raven Four drawing, which I was most unhappy about, so I drew this to say fuck you too them........................although I wont be posting it on DA lmao!! This is because I fear they'll block my account. See deleting my pictures is one thing, I can always draw more so I can handle that, but if I get blocked I'll loose all my friends, so yeah, I'm only posting it here and on HA.
I'm going to draw something similar to this but with Alita, and then post that on DA, as they dont delete your OC characters.

Thursday 20 November 2008

AATM Five Main Demons

Ok, So, as you may or may not know in the "Alita And The Mascots" universe, theres a species called Demons, and then you get Evolved Demon's. Normal demons arnt uncommon, and since so many races exist in this universe Demons are actually very common, however Evolved Demons arnt.See Demon's have powers, but only little things such as lifting cups without touching them, closing doors from across the room and so forth, nothing huge, whereas Evolved Demons powers, well they can pretty much do ANYTHING! Destroy buildings by looking at them, read minds, manipulate minds, change their apperanes, change others apperances, fly, teleport, create weapons of mere energy, well, you get the point ^_^.
Ok, so, its near enough impossible for a Demon to evolve, they have to either train all their lifes ( and even then its still unlikely to actually happen ) or go through a life changing, mind ripping, soul crushing, terrible beyond terrible life experiance, as you can see these Demons are all young, and do they evolved via the latter. I'll just say a few words about each of them ^_^
Ok, on the right, we have Crimson, whom I havent given a second name yet. Crimson is one of Cyans close friends, him and Ruby have met occaionally but dont really get on very well. Crimson has a thing for Violet, but only Cyan knows about that. Fighting wise obviously Crimson is very powerful, like Cyan he prefers to use his fists and martial arts, usually using his powers to increase his speed and strength to unbelivable hights. Personality wise he's your typical tough guy, believes he's a better fighter than anyone and hates losing. He's loud and foul mouthe too, yet he also has his sweet side, but Cyans the only person who really knows and see's this side of Crimson. Crimson is eventually killed by Kane. Crimsons Evolved Demon marks are a line across his nose and an odd devil like looking mark on his torso.
Cyan Hollow. He is kinda like the ultimate opposite of Crimson, asides from on the battlefield, he's sweet, calm, caring and often shows his sensative side not caring about what other people think of him for it. Cyan is in love with Ruby, but is unsure of telling her since she sleeps around alot and doesnt really believe in love. Cyan is also there at the great battle with Kane, he is badly hurt, but he actually gets it worse then any of the others there, including Kamaru. Cyans Evolved Demon marks are a line down his left eye, and a huge line up and over his left shoulder down to his left nipple.
Ruby Valentine, the main Demon in AATM, shes Jades older sister ( Alita's best friend and room mate ). Ruby is fiery and very in your face, she likes to be the centre of attention and she ALWAYS gets what she wants, she, like Cyan and Crimson, has a secrect Demon goverment job, most of the time they have to pull off assasinations, as their powers make them perfect for it, Cyan and even Crimson are quiet friendly, where as Ruby, unless you know her personally, is quite cold, all the years of war and killing have tooken their toll on her, and when she accidently killed the love of her life, Kazou, she loses all hope in love, this is where she became cold and uncaring. Her best friend is The Scorpion King ( Scorp ) and hes the only one who knows Ruby inside and out. In the battle with Kane Ruby is almost killed. Her Evolved Demon marks are a spike under each eye, and a ring around her left thigh.
Violet. I havent come up with a second name for her yet either. Violets different from the others, most Evolved Demons go into secrect goverment work, whereas Violet chose to become Bounty Hunter. Her main target is Ruby, however Ruby's a much better fighter, so although they've battled alot Ruby always ends up winning. Violet is also very cold, but rather than hididng it behind a fiery nature like Ruby, Violet is a quiet and suprisingly shy type, and prefers to be alone than hanging around with crowds, she's quiet sweet and cute once you know her. She has a thing for both Cyan and Crimson. When Ruby asks her to help them battle Kane, Violet reluctantly accepts, and unfortunatly she is killed during the battle by Dou, Kanes right hand man. Violets Evoved marks are a line down her left cheek and a star like shape on her right kneecap.
Kane Shuuya. The most notourios Demon to ever live, most Evolved Demons arnt trusted, and thats due to Kane. Kane has no emotions, and is responsible for the destruction of countless cities. He was sentanced to death for acts against their people, but he escaped and left the planet, and went into hiding. Here he gathered the help of dangerous crinimals like him, and began his plans to destroy his home planet and The Globe ( Alita's home planet ). Kane is eventually Killed by Scorp in an epic battle, who swore to avenge his brothers death ( whom Kane killed ). Kanes Evolved Demon marks are very unique, they go over his whole face, leaving the shape of a ghoulish white skull, the other is a cross on his back.
If you got this far, thanks for reading ^_^

Thursday 13 November 2008

Raven Blowjob Whore

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Monday 27 October 2008

The Two Sorcerers

Lol, ok without a doubt, I have NEVER tooken this long on a drawing, Usually I tell people about my work before its finished, get them excited about it, but apart from two people, I didnt really mention this one, but yeah, worked on it for-fucking-ever.

I did kind of gove of a sneak peek of it, showing the girls half coloured face in my dp on msn, but thats it really.

Ok, believe it or not, I''m really really into RP, like, I have so much passion about it, and as long as your detailed and imaginitive about it, we'd have alot of fun lol. So yeah, this picture is actually off an RP I did, unfortunatly I dont see the guy online at all, I saw him that once and that was it, but basically he gave me without a doubt one of the best RP's, if not THE best I've ever had, it was just so full of energy, so dirty and so un-repetative, lol yeah, he was brilliant, I miss him, he seemed like a nice guy as well as a good RP'r lol.

So the story behind the rp was the guy was like a mater at sorcery, and the girl a beginner, but she was going around acting like she was the best their was. She challeneged the man to a dual at midnight, saying if she won he had to give her lots of money and spread the word she defeated him, and so he said that if he won, she became his slut for the whole night and had to give herself to him whether he wanted, and she lost.

And so as you can see he's wasted no time in getting stuck in, and since he can use magic, teh second he's came, he just gives himself another instant erection and moves on to the next hole XD.

Ok, things I like about this one, geez where do I start? I honestly think this is one of the best things I've ever drawn, so I like all of it, but especiallly the cock, her ass and her face, I dont have a single thing I dislike about this drawing ^_^.

Again I just want to point out, all though it looks slightly rape-ish, its not. Rape to me is the most vile of all vile things, I seriouslly think its the worst thing there is, and so no matter how resistant a charater looks in my art, or no matter how rough people are being with them, their ALWAYS willing ^_^

Ok thanks for reading, there lots more I wanna say but I feel like i'm going on with myself now lol.


Wednesday 8 October 2008

Aurlena For Ultamisia

I've drawn Ultamisia's character ( Whom I think is AWSOME btw!! ) for them as part of an art trade.

I had fun drawing this character, because one I'm getting a Kamaru picture from this, and two it was a fun new pose to try, I've never drawn anything this detailed in this pose, all the detail took a very long time to do, it makes me really respect how much detail and time Ultamisia puts into their drawings ^_^

I hope Ultamisia likes ^_^ x

Monday 29 September 2008

Alita And Mech's Five

A cute picture I did of Alita and Mech's.

I havent decided whether or not their a couple here yet, but their crazy about each other anyway ^_^

I really like this picture, I reaaaaaaaaally like Mech's arm, it looks so metalic and shiney. I've been trying to draw a picture that showed Alita and Mech's affection and love for one another for some time now, and I think this does just that.

Wednesday 24 September 2008

Raven Four

I've wanted to do some more Smexy Titans for a while now, and now that all those requests are fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinally off my back I have time to work on what I want to do.

I want to point out that she IS NOT NAKED!!!! lol, I showed this picture to my friend today, he loved it but thought she looked naked, I guess I didnt shade her leotard dark enough, oh well. I really like her eyes here, you cant really see but I've given her like three different shades of blue in her eyes, also I quite like the face, a couple of people took the piss out of the other Smexy Ravens becuase the eyes were too far, and although I think fuck them, who cares what they think, they eyes did look a little off, so I've made sure they look sexy here.

Hope you like x

Tuesday 23 September 2008

The Death Of Sion

I've felt like drawing something different for quite a while now, and inspiration hit me when I was listening to that song on the Mercinaries 2 adver, " Oh No you didnt!". Its a cheesy song I know but I really like the piano ^_^

Basically this tyrant, Sion is on the run from some body, him and his remaining men are in an old battered building, they've made it through one hallway before Minora pops out of nowhere, and blows half of Sions men to pieces with the click of his fingers, Minora kills a couple more men with his sword before Sion and his men run again.

They manadge to get up a flight of stairs and down yet another hallway before Mykel smashes through a wall, usisng his huge size to cut the remaining of Sions men to pieces, smashing their heads into walls and chopping them clean in half.

Only Sion remains, he turns and barrels up the last stair case to a final hall way with skylights, he has an escape route at the end of the hallway. Just as he starts to make his move the small and curvasious Kamaru appears at the far end of the hall way, Sion pulls out his pistols and starts shooting, as Kamaru starts running towards him, but Kamaru simply chops the bullets out of the air, then leaps and starts bouncing and flipping from wall to wall, before flipping up and out of a skylight, Sion has only a second to react as Kamaru comes flying out of the skylight above him, face calm and sword ready, with a single and easy slice he chops Sion into two piece, killing him.

I really like this picture, I got a blister on my thumb from so much colouring lol, but I think it was worth it, I felt like Kamaru needed a new kinda picture of him, rather then him just looking uber sexy and having fun wth guys, I know his ass is still in the picture, but well this is the angle I saw it in my head from, and so this is how I drew it.

I'm really proud of this ^_^

Wednesday 10 September 2008

Alita And The Mascot Characters

Ok, ALOT to say here, so its ok if you skip it lolSo I have decided this "section" of characters who live on the planet " The Globe", if you will, is going to be called " Alita And The Mascots" Its a goofy yet fun kinda name, I think it suites pretty well.Ok, these are the Key characters in order starting from the top left ^_^

Mech's O'brian : Mech's was origonally human but lost his body to a skin eating disease. He's 19 years old and is in his final year of college. He is the future boyfriend and love of Alita.

Ruby Valentine : Jades older sister and well known mercinary. She is also an evolved demon and is know to be very cold and ruthless, this is because at the age of just 18, she accidently killed the love of her life, Kazou. Her team mate is The Scorpion King. She's 23 and has a thing for Cyan.

Minora Arakawa : Minora is a sorceror and a hit man, he is team mate and loverto both Kamaru and Mykel. After Minora killed his tyrant brother, Dante, the three of them travelled into the future for a better life.

Sarah Rose : Sarah is 22 and a fashion student at uni. She's a lesbian and is in a long term relationship wth jade, who she lives with along with Alita.

Dante Arakawa : Dante is Minora's older brother and is also a sorceror. He was taught magic by the same man as Minora. The power currupted Dante and he became a tyrant, he was eventually killed by Minora.

Alita Cash : Alita is a 16 year old android girl, she was origonally human but lost her body and family in a tragic accident at the age of eight. She loves skateboarding and drawing, she hopes to become a famous graphic novelist one day. She has a thing for Mech's and a job as a delivery girl.

Xanthi Chachichaaavsk: Xanthi is only 19 yet she's already one of the most well known and loved celebrities on The Globe. She also one of the nicest. Xanthi is a Siren, a race well respected throughtout the galaxy. She doesnt have as huge a part to play as some characters.

Ivy Nemoor: A well known female knight throughtout the old times that Kamaru, Mykel and Minora came from. She's a tiny bit insane, while Kamaru was off discovering himself, she came on to him, he turned her down because he's gay, she attacked him, they had a ferocious fight through a forest before Kamaru killed her.

Jade Valentine: Jade is a 19 year old Demon who is studying English in college, she hopes to become a writer. Unlike her older sister, Ruby, Jade lives a fairly calm and normal lifestyle, hanging out with her friends and working at a local supermarket. Her best friend is Alita, and Sarah is her girlfriend.

Kamaru Chi: Kamaru is a 15 year old boy, although he is constantly mistooken for a girl due to the fact he's so feminine and wears girls clothing. He is gay and is in a three way relationship with Mykel and Minora, who he's also in a team of Mercinaries with. The first 15 years of Kamaru's life were absolute hell, and have left him with a few mental problems, although he's a very sweet, bubbley boy.

The Scorpion King: Nick named "Scorp". No one but Ruby knows his actual name, or his race. He is 23. He is called the scorpion king due to the enourmous dual swords he weilds on his back called "The Scorpion Blades". He like Ruby is quite a cold person, this is because when he was 18 he was forced to watch the Demon Kane slaughter Scorps younger brother. Scorp's mission in life is to kill Kane.

Kane Shuuya: The most powerful, feared and well know Evolded Demon there is. Kane is a tyrant and is wanted dead by just about everybody, but no one can do anything dueto his tremendous power. He has unusal marks on his face for an evolved demon, it covered his whole face, leaving only a ghoulish white skull. He is eventually killed by Scorp.

Ivan Krauser: The most notourious bounty hunter there is. Dispite the harsh inmpression his armour gives off he's actually a very nice man and only does missions that will benefit good people. Suprisingly he is best friends with Xanthi.

Kazou Lynx: Kazou was 25 when he was killed by his girlfriend Ruby. There was a war and they were both fighting on opposite sides, but neither knew it who the other one was because they wore masks. They had lots of battles but never killed each other until one day during a very serious fight he pulled off Ruby's mask and realised who she was, she took the chance and impaled him into a wall, when she pulled off his mask she was shocked to look into the dying eyes of Kazou.

Mykel Haku: A giant of a man, Mykel started off fighting in the royal and was promoted to White Knight, but it all went down hill when Mykel was framed for killing a prince, he went on the run where he met Minora, the two quickly became lovers, and three years later along came Kamaru to complete their love triangle. Mykel is the most normal of the three.

Cyan Hollow: Like Ruby, Cyan is an Evolved Demon and a mercinary, although unlike Ruby, Cyan isnt harsh, he doesnt let his missions or his kills make him a cold person, instead he trys to be as good a person he can in his normal life to make up for it. He's in love with Ruby.

Fucking hell my fingers hurt lol, hope that was interesting ^_^xxx

Tuesday 2 September 2008

Sari Sumdac Request

Ok dont reaaaaaaaaaaally know what to say about this drawing, its like the Xing Cai one but not as hawt lol, its a request for Chaosaysmu ^_^

I think its an ok drawing, but its a little hurried, and I dont really know the character or the show so I cant really get into the drawing like I could with the Xing Cai one.

Also I didnt really feel comfortable drawing Sar as she's a little girl in the show, even though I've drawn her a fair bit older and with full ballistics and an butt to match, the fact that the actual character is a kid budded me :s so I dont feel this picture has as much heart to it, and I think that shows.

Anyway Chaosaysmu, hope you like, sorry it took so long to get finished x

Wednesday 20 August 2008

Sarah And Jade Three

I've wanted to draw a picture that shows the sweet lobing side of Sarah and Jade for a while now, and I think this picture does just that.

As you know the two share an aparment with Alita, and since these two are a couple they share a room.

Ok whats happened here is Sarah was resting on their bed, then Jade came home from college. Shes come into their room, seen her girlfriend looking all gourgeous sprawled across the bed, crawled ontop of her and given her a loving lick across her nose .

Aw ^_^

Monday 18 August 2008

Yuri Catgirls

Dont reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally have anything to say about this picture, I think its drawn well but thats all there is to say really, oh I like the Brunette's facial expression

This is dedicated to Adam ( sorry it took so long )

Tuesday 12 August 2008

Sarah's New Looks

Ok, so we had Sarah, one of my three main mascots, I've always liked her but I've never really felt like I drew her very well, I finally decided I was sick of how I drew her and decided she needed a change, so I've spent a few hours and miles length of paper working on making her look more like an actual fox.

Ok so, my old Sarah sorta basically just looked like a human with a cat nose, but with the addiction of the snout and the furry cheeks, the wider face I feel like I've gotten a much better fox look, I mean this doesnt look great but its still early days. I'm going to do a proper solo picture of the new her soon, I'll do her fur orange in that one ^_^

Hope you all like

Monday 11 August 2008

Happy-K Fanart Two


More fanart!!! How fucking kewl is that?! Very fucking kewl, thats how kewl it is!

By Rings, its a picture of Ruby ( no-duh! ). This was part of an art trade we did, Rings drew me this and I did them the Lily DP picture, I feel bad when I look at this just coz HOLY-JESUS-CHRIST is this increduble, I feel like they got a lil ripped off coz this is just sooooooo good and mine wasnt great. I'm really fond of Ruby so I just lurve this!!!!!!!!

Thanks to Rings for doing such a great job!


Thursday 7 August 2008

Lily Double Penetrated for Rings

This is a drawing I did for Rings of their character Lily.

Ok, I'm very split on my feelings for this picture, it has parts that I'm proud of, for example that fat ass, it looks delicious and so sexy, the way its bent is just hawt!

I also LOVE the cocks, I tried a new technique, I wanted the cocks to look like their buldging slightly because her ass and pussy are so tight, making these random guys members buldge, I think I did a good job of that, I especially like the way her asscheeks are curving around the guy fucking her gourgeous ass.

Ok the bit I hate, one the guy fucking her pussy's hips, two I hate her feet, yes one is way bigger than the other, and third I totally ruined the face, and I feel awful for it, I ruined the face on the last piece of work I did for Rings, and I've done it again here :(

So yeah, its not all bad, its not all great, hope you like x

Alita Age Eight

Ok well, for those of you who didnt know Alita was born a human, she was a pretty average kid, sorta scruffy, loved skate boarding and computer games and stoof.

She lost her body and sadly her parents at the age of eight, which is why she is now an android.

The clothes she's wearing are clothes I had at that age ^_^

Cyan Hollow

Ok so meet Cyan Hollow. He, like Ruby is an Evolved Demon, he's alot like Ruby except he's got a much softer nature. As you can see like Ruby, when Cyan evolved his face got its own black marks, Cyans is down over his left eye and he has one over his left shoulder. I havent been able to decide which hair he should have, sorta long, or very long, let me know what you think ^_^

Him and Ruby meet in a bar ( maybe not decided yet ) and become good "friends" They might be a couple some where in the future, it depends on whether or not Ruby is killed or not on a mission


Monday 4 August 2008

Raven, Argent And Jinx Sex Party Two

Not too sure what too say here, I think its all pretty good apart from the fact Ravens head seems a little small, otherwise I think its ok, better than the first.

I think its pretty funny how Raven and Argent are using their skills, pleasuring their guys one at a time while Jinx is just getting totally pwned lol ^_^

Monday 28 July 2008

Raven And Random Guy Two

I really, really love Raven lol, and I have wanted to draw another sexy picture of her, So last night after completeing Zelda yet again I decided I was gonna get another Raven done.

I dont actually have any complaints with this, I think the gaping butt-hole looks great, I also really like the hair. I really like the format of this picture, showing how she is whilst their just messing around, and then showing how she is while her insides are being crammed into her ribs lmao! So yeah, I think I'll be using this format alot, the two panel thing, well with the T.T girls anyway. Oh and I added the old thrust lines and "Bam! Bam!" Just coz I havent done that in a while ^_^

I thought that for once we wouldnt have her with a seductive happy face on her, I decided to give her a more realistic anal-sex face, not too say she isnt enjoying it.

Thursday 24 July 2008

Starfire Two

Not too sure what to say about this picture, its better than the original Starfire, but I hate the boobs, and I mean hate them with a passion, everything else, asides from that damn line, looks ok, but the boobs look so weird, to out of shape and the nipples are in the wrong places.

I guess its an ok picture though, I really like the position ^_^

Thursday 17 July 2008

Kamaru Electric Feel

Ok, here's another solo Kamaru picture ^_^

This picture is inspired by the MGMT song "Electric Feel"

Kamaru's ment to be in a dreamy state of sense, like the whole world has become oblivious too him, like nothing matters anymore, and he's just surrounded by a strange sense of saftey ^_^

I've been trying to draw something like this for a long time, and the Electric Feel song has really helped, this picture is ment to go to the song, especially the bit at 3:03, so yeah lol, look at the picture and put that part of the song on ^_^

Wednesday 16 July 2008

Raven Three

Raven Two got a great response, alot of people havedasked me to do another one, and so I thought hey why not lol

I think I liked the last one a little more, although I love how seductive I've gotten Ravens face, although I'm not sure if the boo-tay is as bootylicious :s

Hope you like anyway

Monday 14 July 2008

Aralyn Mooning

A request that again has taken me way too long to actually get done, annoying bit is this only took me like half an hour

She's a WOW character who I assume belongs to GogetaKusanagi, so this picture is dedicated to them x

Thursday 10 July 2008

Argilla And Jinana Threesome

A request thats taken me way too long to get done, I have to admit I have no freaking clue who these two are, all I know is this is the second time I've drawn this, the first time round I totally fucked up and did the girls in each others places, and it was from the wrong angle o.O!

Dedicated to Hunkpl

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Hot Random Guy

Not too sure who this is lol, but he's inspired by three things:

One: Soul Reapers

Two: Mgmt;s Electric Feel aaaaaaaaand

Three: The fan made video too Mgmt's Kids ^_^

I really like this, and oooooo first ever time I got the sword straght!

Thursday 3 July 2008


I really love Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors games, but so far I've only drawn Xing Cai, my favourite character from DW.

So I thought I'd introduce my favourite SW character Ina Honda ^_^

I quite like this, she's ment to be leaning away from the picture, like jumping forward but turning in mid air ^_^

She was origonally going to be holding her bow as well but I couldnt find a detailed enough picture of it :s

Wednesday 2 July 2008

Xing Cai And Shu Soilders Two

Ok the second picture of Xing Cai inspiring the troops ^_^

I dont like this one as much as the last one, I mean its ok, the pussy looks really good, but I dunno, I just dont like it as much as the last

Sunday 22 June 2008

Simon Fucking Yoko

Ok so this is my first ever Toppo-Tengen-Thingy-Ma-Jigger picture

I'm pretty happy with it, although I've never seen the show, so I feel I havent really done justice to the relation ship between Simon and Yoko

Oh the guns a little to thick lol, but I think I got the blush spot on, I wouldnt do the cute blush on guys, but Simon's like a young innocent kid, so I thought it suited

This is a request by a brilliant friend of mine

Dedicated to L

Saturday 21 June 2008

Well Argent and Jinx oviously arn't my main T.T girls, Raven is, so why do they have random guy pictures and she dosnt? well now she does

As you can see I've done my new found blushing technique again, which I think I'll be sticking with, coz I quite like it ^_^

Also for once Raven isnt grining ( although thats not too say she isnt enjoying it ^_^

Friday 20 June 2008

Raven, Blackfire and an Alien

Wewt finally got a new Raven picture done, There wasn't actually gonna be text, but it looked a little too much like Raven was being raped, and anyone who know's me knows I think rape is disgusting so yeah, added the text to clear that up ^_^

I'll do a seqeul of Blackfire having her turn ^_^

Ok I've tried two new technique's on this picture, first I've drawn Ravens pussy more realistic looking, well I think so anyway lol

And second is I've added a more noticable blush, I like it but I'm not sure if it really works, so do me a HUGE favour and tell me which version looks better, the new blush or the old one, thanks x

Thursday 19 June 2008

Argent Footjob

I had alot of fun doing this picture, lol alot of ticklish fun ^_^. If you know the story behind the "Raven Hotdogged and Deepthroated" picture, its the same story here ^_^

Also I had alot of fun doing this coz its for a very close friend, and its always nice to work on stuff for friends

Monday 2 June 2008


Wewt a new T.T girl has joined the smexy club
I gotta admit I'm quite happy with this one, I wasnt too sure about it when I started but now its done ........... Me likey ^_^
I changed her hair and her eyes a bit, I tryed to make her look sly and in control the way Blackfire is ^_^

Dedicated to Ray-Ray for his B-day ^_^

Monday 26 May 2008

Canones Hotdogged

I must admit I know absolutly nothing about Warhammer, So I dont know anything about Canones either lol

But I'm happy with the picture, I think its turned out rather well and I really enjoyed working on this request

Dedicated to Hunkpl