Thursday 5 March 2009

Dou Disorder

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Dou. I gotta admit I really love this character, even though he's gonna end up killing two other characters I really like, I still really like him, I just think he looks amazing.

First time I posted a picture of Dou barely anyone seemed to take notice of him, which pissed me off a bit, so I figured teh next headshot/music picture I'd do would be him, coz I think he rocks ^_^.Ok so his song is Disorder by Joy Divison. Even if your not into rock music I recommend it highly, its amazing! I was gonna give him like a fast heavy song, like maybe Iglu and Hartly's Violent and young, but I think that kinda suites the whole of AATM really. So yeah Disorder, its a slow crazy song, has lots of odd noises in the background, it cam eon my mp3 player whilst I was drawing this and it just fit perfectly, so yeah, go listen please lol.

I think its a great drawing, Dou's face is honestly the most difficult to draw out of all of my characters, see hes ment to be ugly, but not in a normal way, see he's ment to be attractive, but his face always has such a freaky fucked up crazy expression on it that it makes him ugly, so yeah, veeery happy with this ^_^

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