Sunday 19 June 2011

Not what I ment...

Meet Ash ( Ashely ) the dumbest hot-dog stall worker ever, she has a big heart, a small brain, and a GIGANTIC ass.

I like this picture, its sexy and goofy.

My friend Rich did the wording and speech bubbles, so thanks for that ^_^

Some may find it odd that the guy is kinda young, but it wouldn't of worked if it was a grown man kneeling behind her, so yeah, that's why he's young.


Anonymous said...

you should make her a regular..pretty original

Anonymous said...

I can't stop saying Hot Dog now!

Dralavant said...

Lol nice one dude.

Anonymous said...

He should give her the Slime Sausage anyway!

Neostar Productions said...

I would love to see the kids face, as she prepared the "hotdog". XD

Neostar Productions said...

It's funny how nobody made an "I'll have what he's having" joke, yet. XD