Thursday 26 November 2009

How I Fucked My Sister Page 01

I have to admit I realy like this, it took me quite a while to do, coz I had to use quite a few layers, but I got through it in the end.

So this is the first page naration is by Jennifers little brother Leo. I wasnt sure about the orange text boxes at first, but in the end I lke them, their not too bright but not too plain, a good mix.

I think both panels are really really sexy, I really dont know which is my favourite, the boobs or the ass eh, both look good, I like teh shine, not too much, not too little. Like how both guys are smiling n the womens scowling too ^_^


Seeleunitone said...

I just saw this on HA & it's still a pretty good first page for your comic.I hope that if you ever consider publishing these comics of yours I hope they hit it big.
PS:If you feel like it check out my page on my blog & tell me what you think of my art.

I could use all the constructive critsim I can get. Anywho,nice job.

GeekFury said...

Can't wait to see the rest of this! Looks like it's gonna be good. :)

Jack said...

I think both panels of the drawing are good, but I think the drooping breasts elongate her neck.