Ahhhhhhhhhhhh finally lol
The reason this page has tooken ages is because I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and I wanted the angles to really really work you know?
So one I finshed the Pen I began colouring it, and typicallly I fgured out a much nicer layout and much better angles and stuff, so I scrapped it and started a new >.<
Its weird, I dont like how this looks on paper. All my art is hand drawn, and I'm pretty damn proud of that, so I usually prefer how teh actual piece itself looks, rather then when its scanned on the pc screen, but i used a different type of paper then usual, and it doesnt look as good, but it looks ok now its on screen so meh lol.
I'm happy with this page, real happy, love the third panel, I think it works so so well, I love how fucked up Duo looks, and I think I did a good job with the shading and stooooof ^_^