Oooooooooooooooooooooook, finally last but by no means least we have Jade's intro picture ^_^
I actually really really like it, its probally my favourite intro picture so far, and oooo most of her clothes are based on stuff I have, except the tops a tiny little bit different ^_^
She's wearing a dog collar for two reasons, one, although she's Sarah's lover, she's also her bitch lmao, and second it just looks uber kewl! Even I wear collar and leads as a fashion accsessory from time to time ^_^
Woo so there we have it! The maskcot introduction pictures ^_^
nice outfit, love the collar and fishnets.
Lol you do have this! I practically seen this picture in real life ^_¬
This is so hot, I dont know which is my fave now >.<
i love the breast and the way you draw nipples...all pert mmm so hot
I love Jade. For so many reasons.
The outfit, position, the look on her face - they're all so seducing! Sexy tights too!!
This is a picture which gets me hard easy! I'm jealous of you know who.
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