Ok so this is my first ever Toppo-Tengen-Thingy-Ma-Jigger picture
I'm pretty happy with it, although I've never seen the show, so I feel I havent really done justice to the relation ship between Simon and Yoko
Oh the guns a little to thick lol, but I think I got the blush spot on, I wouldnt do the cute blush on guys, but Simon's like a young innocent kid, so I thought it suited
This is a request by a brilliant friend of mine
Dedicated to L
Oh this made me laugh
But its a really good drawing all the same
Woot, it's done. Thank you very much happy-K. I absolutely love it. You captured it perfectly. Also see you're having fun with your new blush technique. If I could, I'd hug you, but for now, you have my thanks
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