Saturday 2 January 2010

Lamina And Orion Comission

Awsome, another comission finished, this one is for PantyHamster ( one of my fave artists here on hA ) So obvioulsy I was flattered when they comissioned me. I feel bad coz I took forever to get it finished, and I feel terrible about that, and just wanna reasure PH and everyone else I usually get what you've paid for to you quickly.

Anyway, I'm pretty pleased with the end result. PH asked for both their faces in the picture, so I started doing a generic side shot, but it ust wasnt sexy enough to me, I felt like the picture didnt really tell you how nice and juicy her boobs felt. So, I decided to turn it into a comic page, one because that way you got dramatic shots of both characters faces, but also, beacsue this way there's more to it, like, it seems like theres a page before and after, like this one page tells a story, shows teh developed world around it, and I mean, thas what arts about really. For example if I draw Raven getting ass fucked, I need there to be a reason and story for that happening, the picture has to go beyond teh frame for me, so thats kinda what I was going for here.

Like I said I do really like the art, I think teh boobs look great, teh way their all squished out, I drew them far bigger then they are in PH's pictures, but for the pose they needed to be bigger. My only problem is teh background, its pretty crap, but Hopefully the characters make up for it.

So hope you liek it PH, sorry it took so long



Trent said...

hey buddy i love this picture heaps!! its amazing how the boobs look so squishy and what not and the colouring is smooth. Only problem is i dont like the shine on the head. The shine on the boobs cock shoulder are all fine but on the head it stands out to much and is a bit thick i think but etha way i think it looks great keep up the good work kido

Anonymous said...

Love the new work... keep it up