Monday 24 March 2008


This Haruko from FLCL, I hate admitting this but its not one of my best drawings, I haven't gotten her very Haruko-like lol, plus it was late and the only picture I had to work from was a tiny pixalated version on my phone >.<

I've only seen one episode of FLCL so far, so I dont really get what "Fooly-Cooly" is, but from what I gathered its somthing good, so yeah, that's why she's saying that, coz lets face it a big sexy ass clad in leather is always good ^_^

Dedicated to L (I'll get the other one done soon I promise ^_^)


Anonymous said...

very nice pic great job on the ass too XD hope to see more of fooly cooly so keep it up XD

Anonymous said...

Whooo, thank you very much Happy-K! Know you probably have other pics you could be working on, but yay! Really dig haruko and you've done her justice, especially that nice, big ass. Can't wait to see the other pic and hope to see more of the flcl girls in the future if you ever decide to draw them

Anonymous said...

oh my god, nice bit of double teaming

Anonymous said...

Ha ha if she's this hot I gotta watch that show!