Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Happy K Mascots

Ok so you may be whondering who these three are, well, I've decided that although this may only be a itty-bitty blog and not a real actual site, It needs mascots ^_^

So say hello to Alita, Sarah and Jade, all based on friends, well two of them are lol. I think Alita will be the main mascot but the other two will pop up from time to time ^_^

I dont mind using the three in sex drawings and stuff, so lets hear some idea's, also lets here you opinions on the three girls, like your favourite and what not, thanks ^_^



Anonymous said...

Alita and Jade are hot, I love Jade's hair, nice drawings, can't wait to see them in other drawings.

Anonymous said...

an easy starter would be the three of them playing together!

Anonymous said...

Sarah and Jade are very sexy girls.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm now whoooooooooooooooo does Alita remind me of? lol, and let me guess Jade and Sarah are M and J right? ¬_^

I like how you've given Alita one of your outfits, I'm suprised you used the name again though considering you gave to my ever so favourite gothic Siren ^_^ not that thats a bad thing
